Chapter 14

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Scott and Stiles sat in the cabin while Stiles sobbed. He had been a wreck since his wolf ran off and now he's thinking the worst. It's been hours, Stiles knows that it's just a wolf, but his Beta was different, it wasn't just a wolf. He was his new best friend, his light in a dark place. Beta was Stiles everything; he would give up writing for the wolf.

"He'll come back, Stiles," Scott said, trying to comfort his best friend. He couldn't believe how beat up Stiles was about this; the wolf had only been around for a couple of days. Scott could tell from the second he met Beta that the wolf was different, but he could say the same thing about Stiles. It still felt like yesterday when the two met.


"Hi, I'm Stiles." Scott looked at the boy who was standing over him as he played in the sandbox.

"I'm Scott." He shrugged, continuing to play. He stopped when water started hitting his small sand castle. "Hey! What are you doing?" Scott exclaimed finding the Stiles kid standing over him with a water bottle in hand dumping it over the sand.

"I'm helping you!" The kid laughed.


Stiles still claims to this day that he was helping Scott out because his sand castle was complete shit. But there was another time in their lives that Scott remembers clear as day, it was the day that he understood why everyone called Stiles the Wolf Boy.


"Hi Mrs. Stilinski, is Stiles here? He wasn't at school today, so my mom and I made him cookies." Scott says at the front door of the Stilinski household.

"Oh, that was very nice of you, Scott. Stiles is in his room, but let's have a chat first, okay?" Mrs. Stilinski says, taking the plate of cookies from Scott's hands and leading him into the kitchen? "Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich."

"No, I had plenty of cookies." Scott grinned to himself. He giggled a little remembering his mother smacking his hand away from the bowl when he was trying to steal some batter.

"Alright. Now, Scott, there's something you need to know about Stiles," She started looking up to the stairs, she waiting to make sure that Stiles wasn't going to walk down the stairs.

"Is he sick? He isn't dying, right?" Scott worried, Stiles was his best friend. His only friend after he and his mother moved to Beacon Hills after his dad left them. That day at the playground changed Scott's life forever.

"No, oh, goodness no. It's perfectly fine, Scott." Mrs. Stilinski laughed. Her face became serious as she took a deep breath. "Stiles is an extraordinary child. He isn't like most kids your age." She paused, listening to the upper level of the house. It was a touchy subject with Stiles, but Scott needed to know.

"When Stiles was a baby, we almost lost him. He was attacked by a wolf when we were visiting family in Oregon, to this day, I still don't know how Stiles doesn't have a fear of dogs." Scott looked at her in shock; Stiles had never told him this. Was it because he was too young to remember? "Have you ever looked at Stiles back? Between his shoulder blades?" Scott thought about it; he'd never seen Stiles shirtless, well he's never seen his back when he was. What was Stiles hiding?

"No, I haven't," Scott answered.

"It's okay, he tries is hardest to hide it." She sighed listening for the upstairs once again. "In the center of Stiles shoulder blades sits, well now what we call a birthmark, but the wolf that attacked him; there is a paw print left by the wolf. No one knows how it got there, why it stayed there, we always played it off as a birthmark to strangers. Over the years, it changed in a way. The center paw pad changed and began to swirl, into the shape of a triskelion. I've gone to many people to understand why this happened and how no one has ever given me an answer." Scott was giving Mrs. Stilinski a look as if she had two heads.

"H-How does something like that happen? A birthmark, a scar doesn't just change like that." Scott gasps. It wasn't possible.

"It's more of an imprint. There was one person who gave me an answer, do you know who Talia Hale is?" She asked, waiting for Scott to answer.

"I think she has a daughter our age, Cora," Scott remembers seeing a girl with dark brown hair in class and someone saying something about her family was very strange. Scott never got the chance to talk with her before the class had been told that she changed schools. Someone said that their house burnt down and the family died. "Didn't their house burn down?"

"It did. Talia's family is different; she is also an old friend of mine. I should have gone to her after this first happened. She asked me to see Stiles back, and if you ask him about this, I don't think he remembers, I feel like anything that has to do with his birthmark he pushes to the back of his mind. Talia told me that somehow," Mrs. Stilinski stopped what she was saying when she heard the upstairs creek.

"What did she tell you?" Scott asked, needing the answer.

"We'll finish this conversation another time. Go spend time with Stiles." She smiled at him, handing him the plate of cookies. Scott gave her a confused look and started up the stairs to see his best friend.


It took a couple of years before Scott got a final answer to that story. He still doesn't believe it to this day, but after starting to work at Deaton's animal clinic, he'll believe just about anything you tell him. Now with Stiles new book, Scott is starting to worry.

Scott was startled out his memories when they heard a howl from outside. Stiles shot off the couch like a bullet with Scott chasing after him. "Beta!" Stiles screamed racing to the wolf, laying on the ground. Scott watched for half a second as he saw those blue eyes that Stiles mentioned.

"Scott help him!" Stiles sobbed trying to lift the wolf by himself.

"Go clean off the counter and grab my bag," Scott ordered him racing to pick up the wolf. "Stiles go." Scott had to push Stiles off of the wolf. Stiles looked at him with pain in his eyes before running into the house. He knows Stiles wants to help, but at that second he's only going to be in the way.

"Listen to me, wolf, I'm not sure if you can hear with the condition you're in, but you stay with me. You cannot go dying or changing on me yet. Stiles needs you." Scott told the wolf. There was no answer, Scott knew the wolf was hiding something from Stiles, and it needed to stay that way for a little longer.

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