Chapter 37

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"What do you think is going on?" Stiles asked looking to the wolves that surrounded his home.

"Their alpha called them off for some reason. It's strange for an attack to be called off." Derek growled at a wolf who moved ever so slightly. He circled Stiles trying to show his dominance to them and to tell them to back the hell away from his mate.

"Maybe he doesn't want innocent bloodshed?" Stiles knew that was unlikely, but it was a possibility.

"Or they wanted your parents to get away so they could capture them and hold them against us." Derek's option seemed more likely.

"But they want me, right? That is why we're in this whole mess. I still don't know what makes me so special." Stiles sighed.

"What makes you special, is that you're rare. You're one of a kind as a matter of fact." The pair turn to find a strange man standing where Stiles' front door should be standing. "Sorry about the door, shouldn't be too hard to fix." The man had a thick British accent, dirty blond hair, and a scar that ran across most of his face.

"Who the hell are you?" Stiles sneered.

"I am Chase, Alpha of the Valentine pack." The British man bowed and a round of howls came from his pack.

Stiles rolled his eyes looking down at Derek who looked ready to rip this man's throat out with his teeth. "You can see that we're so entertained. What do you want?" Stiles snapped crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, I thought that was obvious, you of course. We certainly don't want Derek Hale, he's useless to us. You, on the other hand, are not." Chase was in front of Stiles with lightning speed that Derek didn't even have time to react. Derek growled at the enemy Alpha trying to lunge at him; Derek was tackled down to the ground and hold down teeth at his throat ready to snap it if he dared move.

"Derek!" Stiles scream trying to grab for the wolf. He was held back by Chase with a pair of claws at his throat.

"I don't think so. If either one of you dares move, the other will die. I only need your body, Stiles, you don't need to be alive, it makes this easier but, you don't need to be." Chase growled into Stiles' ear.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Stiles growled back trying to pull Chase's hand away from his throat.

"I need you basically as a sacrifice. After that, I don't care what happens to you, though I might have a little fun with you, seeing as though you have an imprint, you're unmated so it would be agonizing for both of you. Derek will feel like his mate has rejected him and you, Stiles, will never love him, never even be able to look at him." Chase chuckled looking at Derek's wolf still pinned to the ground by his pack.

"I'm going to give you a choice Stiles, you come with me without a struggle and I don't kill Derek, or I kill Derek and you don't have a choice about coming with me," Derek whined as the wolf holding his throat in his mouth bite down just enough to begin to stop his breathing.

"STOP! Please, stop! I'll do whatever! Just don't kill him, please!" Stiles sobbed trying to break away from Chase to help Derek. "Please, I'll do anything."

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