Chapter 34

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It was like an alarm went off in the members of the Hale Pack, darting from their beds running through the house pushing past each other. Cora was the first to answer her brothers' call for help. She shifted throwing her head back while she ran through the forest howling to let Derek and Stiles know that the pack was on their way to help.

"Cora, slow down!" Laura growled after her younger sister.

"Slow down?! Are you crazy? Derek and Stiles are in trouble! There is no slowing down Laura!" Cora growled back at her sister skidding to a stop. The pack stopped watching the brawling sisters.

"Should we stop them?" Issac asked Scott worried that the situation might become worse if this continues.

Scott looked at the younger wolf blowing out a puff of air, he walked between the fighting sisters flashing his eyes at both of them. "Knock it off. Both of you. Cora is right Laura, we don't have time to stop. Derek and Stiles are in trouble and you two are sitting here fighting over nothing. If you can't control yourselves go home and the rest of us will help Derek and Stiles." Scott growled. Cora backed down going to stand next to Issac, Laura, on the other hand, challenged the beta.

"Who the hell put you in charge McCall? Just because my mother sees something in you doesn't mean you get to boss me around. I'm meant to be your Alpha, don't forget that." Laura growled pushing Scott. Scott held his ground pushing Laura back, he wasn't going to let her push everyone around, she wasn't Alpha yet, and if she kept this up no one would follow her when she became Alpha.

"No one put me in charge Laura. You need to get your head on straight, we have an enemy pack in our town who is after one of our members. They have been hurting the people who we protect, who we care about, and yet you're here fighting with your pack while your brother and his mate, could be dead by now because you think that you're the only one who can take charge of a situation. We're a pack, Laura, we are meant to work together as one. Now either get it together and lead us, or I will do it for you. We don't have time for this." Scott growled throwing Laura on the ground and pinning her down. He didn't know what has gotten into her, but she's been off for the last week or two.

"I'm thinking about the pack! If we charge straight there, we're asking for a blood bath! We're going to lose more than we'll save!" Laura exclaimed pushing against Scott who wasn't going to let her go that easy.

"You're right, but you aren't being a leader Laura. We all know it's going to be a blood bath, no matter what. All anyone cares about is saving Derek and Stiles." Scott shook his head and allowed Laura to stand. "We move in slowly, try to find a way in. Stay in pairs, no one goes alone." Scott looked at the pack who paired off and started running, they still had a couple of miles before they would arrive at the Stilinski's home.

"What-" Scott growled cutting Laura off.

"I want the two of you to stick to each other like glue. Understood? Find a way into the house. Issac and I will cover you." Scott ordered. Cora bowed her head looking to her sister who was doing the same. The sisters made eye contact before taking off after the rest of the pack.

"How did you do that?" Issac asked coming to a trot beside Scott.

"Talia said I'm different, what that means I have no idea. She said that the pack listens to me, almost like I'm an alpha. Sometimes I see it, like now, but other times I just think they're waiting for direction and Laura can't give it." Scott was confused about the conversation he had with Talia only a few short months ago. Even Deaton didn't make much sense of it.

"Whatever it is, it's helpful. Laura and Cora would probably be at each other's throats right now if you hadn't stepped in. Derek and Stiles could be hurt if you hadn't. Alpha or not, I'd follow you no matter what Scott, you know what's important." Issac said. Scott looked over at his friend knowing that Issac meant what he said. Would anyone else mean that? Why would anyone want to follow him? They have Talia one of the most powerful Alpha's out there, sure in the spur of the moment Scott is a great leader, and what does it matter, Laura is going to be the next Alpha anyway, it's her birthright. Scott couldn't take that from her.

Scott shook his head trying to clear it. He needed to focus on saving his best friend, his brother. He didn't have time to think about himself.

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