Chapter 39

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"Be careful! He's already basically dead, we don't actually want to kill him."

"I know, but it's kind of hard to be careful when I can hardly touch him."

Who the fuck is being so loud? Who the fuck is touching me? Derek's wolf sneered having no strength to move or fight whoever was moving their body.

Fuck, Derek, wake up, answer me. He growled. What the hell hap- Oh shit. Come on Derek, you have to wake up now, we have to go find Stiles, you idiot! The wolf was remembering what happened, hours, minutes, seconds ago. He didn't have a clue how much time has passed.

"Hey there, don't move. We're taking you to your family. We're trying to help you." Now the voices were a little clearer, but the wolf didn't have a clue who the people were. He couldn't force open their eyes, he could barely get their toes to move, that was always Derek now that he learned to fully control his wolf.

"It won't be long now, just hang on a little longer." The girl who was speaking, she sounded, well the wolf wasn't sure if she sounded nice or worried, but trying to keep a calm voice for their sake.

The wolf let out a large sigh feeling a massive pain shoot through their whole body. Fuck me. Come on Derek, you've gotta wake up. We won't heal if you don't, you'll get stuck like this again, too scared to change back, too hurt to want to change back, or just gone to the world and I'm all that left. Great, mom would be so pissed if that was the case. Dammit Derek, wake up. The wolf was growing tired of trying to wake the human, he could hardly feel Derek's presence in their body, this wasn't good. Derek needed to wake up or there would be no Derek left.

The wolf felt a familiar presence, it was comforting, it was safe. The scent was faint, he was trying to pinpoint who's or what it was. "Where did you find him?" That voice, he knew it, who was it? Fuck, we're dying Derek, I'm starting to fade out now. I can't remember scents or voices. Derek, you need to wake up, please, for Stiles.

"Place him on the table, I'll take it from here. Scott, grab all of the needles and medical wrap that you can find. Issac, I need you to go into my office and grab the big wooden box." Deaton? He's trying to save them, he has too, they have to save Stiles.

"What are we going to do? We can't take his pain, he'll die if we do." Scott. Scott is going to kill them when he finds out what happened.

"We are going to force him to shift if he shifts he'll heal. It's the same thing as the bullet wound, he's been like this for too long. He still isn't used to being in his wolf for this long after what happened, he can't handle the long transformation." Deaton rushed. The wolf felt something almost sprinkle on him like rain.

Don't. He said trying to reach them.

"Did you hear that?" Issac, thank goodness for you.

"It sounded like Derek, is he talking to us in his wolf?" Scott, sometimes I want to rip your throat out with my teeth.

Don't force the shift, Derek isn't answering. You have to get him back first. If you force the shift it will be a blank body, no one inside. The wolf whined.

"What are we going to do if we can't force him to shift?" Issac asked.

Deaton sighed looking through his wooden box, "We're going to get into Derek's head, find out why he isn't answering his wolf. Holly will give us basically full access. Well, not us, his wolf. Your wolves only have so much, your memories, being able to control your body when it's in your wolf form, but it is limited."

"So what do we do?" Scott asked looking to the ripped apart wolf laying on the table. He had so many questions, so many regrets, Scott needed Derek to wake up so they can figure out what happened.

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