Chapter 31

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"There they are. I was thinking Stiles wasn't feeling well again." Talia said coming up to the pair pulling them into a hug. "If anyone scares you, I'll rip their throat out with my teeth." She whispered to Stiles who giggled nodding his head.

"Can we get this over with? I have a business to take care of." A dashing man who had a very mischevious look in his eyes stared Stiles down. Stiles tilted his head to the side, biting the inside of his cheek.

I do not like this one. Stiles thought to himself. He gripped Derek's hand tighter pushing him over to Scott and out of the line of sight of the creepy man.

"Stiles, you remember Issac right? He played Lacross with us." Stiles looked at the boy standing next to Scott thinking back to his horrible high school years.

"Yeah, you were really good." Stiles smiled shaking Issac's hand. "Didn't your dad, pass?"

"Yeah, freak accident." Issac weakly smiled back. "Erica, Boyd, come here for a second." The curly haired boy waved over two other people Stiles remembered from his school days.

"Batman!" Erica exclaimed pulling Stiles into a hug. Stiles laughed hearing Derek growled from next to him.

"Hey Catwoman, don't crush me." Stiles pushed her back looking her over. "Turning wolf really helped you out huh? It looks really good on you Erica." Stiles told her with a large smile. He remembers how hard Erica's life was when they were younger. He vaguely remembers the day things changed for her, she was confident, pretty scary, and well seizure free. People thought Erica became beautiful that day, but Stiles knew that under everything that she already was, no one wanted to see it.

"Thank you, Stiles. You remember Boyd right?" Erica grinned pulling the large man next to her closer.

"Yeah, thank again for all those times you let me have the keys to the Ice Ring." Stiles shook Boyd's hand who nodded with a sort grunt of a response.

"Okay, let's have everyone take a seat. You can all chitchat once we start eating." Talia pushed the group to the table.

"Wait, aren't we missing a few of us?" Cora asked looking around the table seeing empty chairs.

"Lyd's isn't here. Nor the twins." Laura said seeing her pack mates weren't counted for.

"We're missing more than that," Scott said counting the empty chairs.

"They won't be joining us tonight. They're out with Deaton on some recon. Allison and Chris are also with them. Don't worry, everyone is safe." Talia flashed her eyes to her pack, they all bowed their heads dropping the subject.

"I feel like I'm getting more confused by the second." Stiles sighed to himself.

"Is dad joining us?" Derek asked seeing his father's chair empty.

"Not tonight. He's on business." Talia answered looking to the empty seat with a sigh. "Peter, care to give me an update?" She looked to the man on her other side raising a brow at him.

"I can't find Deucalion anywhere. No one has seen or heard from him in months. I'm following a lead in Oregon tonight. Hopefully, I'll find something there." Peter answered his gaze locked on Stiles. "You know I haven't been to Oregon in years. When was the last time we were there Talia?"

Talia growled under her breath glaring down her brother. "I can't quite remember Peter. It's been a long time." She grit her teeth.

"Don't let go of me," Derek whispered to Stiles. His gaze was locked on his uncle, Derek didn't like to tone of his voice or the look on his face.

"Trust me, I won't," Stiles whispered looking down at the breath grip he had on Derek's hand.

"Oh, I remember. We killed our little brother the last time we were there." Peter chuckled.

"Enough!" Talia shouted standing to her feet slamming her hands down on the table. The large oak table now had a crack running down the center of it, the house was ringing with the sound of the dishes moving together and some breaking. No one dared move, they were almost sick to their stomachs from the smell the two older wolves were giving off. Pure anger, the smell could make anyone sick.

"Why did we do that again, Talia?" Peter growled standing to his feet glaring at his sister.

"We did it because he broke a law. He went against his family, his pack." It wasn't hard to see how tense the Alpha was, how badly she wanted to break and put her brother in his place. She was more concerned with Stiles than with dealing with her idiot brother.

"No, we did it for a baby." Stiles breathe hitched hearing those words. That baby was him.

"Don't let go." Derek was out of his seat pulling Stiles onto his back and shifting bursting through the open back door. 

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