Chapter 24

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Sometimes Stiles is looking down on the day that he was attacked, sometimes he's reliving it as a baby laying on the flannel blanket in the lawn of his aunt's house in Oregon. This time he's watching it from somewhere in the crowd of family members trying to get them to watch him a little more closely. His mother was only standing two feet away from him taking with his aunt about how great of a baby Stiles was. Stiles watched now frozen in place at the wolf came racing out of the forest that was easily half a mile away, the look on its face, it was rabid. It was going for blood. If was only seconds before the wolf had grabbed onto Stiles and began to trash him around before slamming him into the ground and began jumping on him. Stiles to this day can't figure out why the wolf didn't kill him. He should have died in the attack as it was, so why didn't he die?

Stiles was pulled from his memory when the sound of his dads' sheriff cruiser door shut and the front door of the house opened. He debated with himself whether or not to wait until morning to get the answers he wanted from his parents. Stiles ran his hands through his hair, pulling at it before having enough. He was tired of all of these questions running through his head and not being answered. He jumped from his chair and raced down the stairs coming face to face with his parents in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Were the first words to leave his mouth.

"Stiles, what are you talking about?" His father asked. His mother stood there, taking a deep breath, it was finally time. She looked out the kitchen window seeing the full moon; it was going to be a very long night.

"You know what. Scott, Derek, werewolves, me, everything, I need answers! I'm going crazy trying to figure all of this out." Stiles exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air.

"Derek?" His mother asked. The blue eyes, she knew them the sadness in them. "Oh, Derek Hale. I see that he's no longer as you called him Beta."

"Yeah, that was interesting, to say the least," Stiles grumbled crossing his arms over his chest. "Then Scott came over and went half wolf on me, and I'm still freaking out over that. I can't believe everyone kept this from me." He leaned against the door frame of the kitchen.

"We were trying to-" His father was cut off.

"Protect me?"

"No. We were trying to find the best time to tell you. Yes, we were protecting you from yourself. Stiles, we still don't understand it ourselves sometimes. You have to understand how hard this was on us as well, we watched our son get mauled by a wolf and somehow make it out with only a few scratches and a crazy new birthmark on his back. What did you want us to do? Come out with all of it as soon as you were old enough to understand what we were saying possibly?" His mother fought. She's been trying for so many years to figure out how to explain all of this to him, but every time she tries something happens, or she can't find the words.

"I figured that you would have over time slowly talked me through it." Stiles sighed, not making eyes contact.

"I did try that. I tried to tell you so many times Stiles; I could never find the words. I took you to Talia's all of the time trying to get answers and to see if she knew an easier way of telling you. I hoped that being around them that maybe you would slowly figure it out on your own. You just seemed to push it away in the back of your head even more." She wasn't wrong; he hated the things that people would say about him. He just wanted to forget anything that ever had to do with his stupid birthmark.

"I was scared. I hated the things that people would say. No one wanted to be my friend because of all of the rumors; I never even understood where they were coming from. I just wanted to be normal." Stiles began to sob. He was so sick of all of this. Stiles felt like he was going in circles trying to figure all of it out. He just wanted to know who he was.

"I started writing a stupid book that was my life, and I didn't even know it. I want to know who I am." His mother rushed over to him, pulling him into her arms. "I just want to feel normal, even in the slightest way."

"You will baby, you have to trust those who love you. You need to trust people who you don't know, but they're going to help you through this the most." She whispered, stroking his head. "You need to go to them when you know that you're ready, but you can't make them wait forever. Right now, someone feels just as broken as you, and he needs you. You can't make him wait forever, Stiles."

"What, what are you talking about?" Stiles looked at his mother, confused. "Are you talking about Derek?"

"I know that he probably left you with even more questions than you already had, but he's going to end up being your rock through all of this. You need to trust yourself and me on that, okay?" Stiles slowly nodded. Everything she said filled his head with even more questions that felt like they were never going to be answered.

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