Chapter 18

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The next morning when Stiles awoke, he jumped instantly looking at Scott standing over his wolf. "Is he going to be okay?" Stiles slowly moved to stand over Scott; his breath hitched at how heavily the wolf was breathing.

"Stiles, I need to get him to the clinic. He's contracted some infection, and the pain is getting out of hand. We need to go back to Beacon Hills." Scott says, giving his friend a worried look.

"Alright. Let me pack my stuff, and we'll leave right after." Stiles ran from the living room and packed his bags, leaving Scott and Derek alone in the living room.

"I'll be right behind you two on my bike. I called Deaton a couple of hours ago he's going to meet us there. I'll make sure Stiles goes home after dropping you off." Scott said as Derek lifted his head from the floor, slowing his breathing.

"It's getting hard to fake it," Derek says listening as Stiles fumbled around upstairs.

"I know. Just a couple more hours." Stiles started running down the stairs, and the two went back to their act. "Ready?" Scott asked, looking up to Stiles who had everything he brought with him.

"Yeah. Let's get moving." Stiles gave a quick nod running out of the door. Scott scooped Derek up in his arms, carefully lifting the wolf through the house and into the back seat of Stiles Jeep. "He'll be okay back there, right?" Stiles asked moving things around, trying to make sure that his wolf would be alright.

"Yes Sti, he'll be just fine. I'll be right behind you on the bike, go straight to the clinic, I already talked to Deaton he's going to meet us there." Scott said, trying to calm his best friend. This was going to be harder to keep from Stiles than being a werewolf himself, Derek was asking a lot of him at this point. Somehow Stiles didn't see right through it.

Stiles opened his mouth to say something when no words came out, he was inside of his Jeep and pulling away from the cabin as quickly as possible. He tilted the rearview mirror down to look at the wolf in the backseat. "You stay with me, understand? I can't lose you." Stiles said, looking the wolf in the eyes. There was that weird flash of blue again; it had to be the mirror this time.

Derek lifted his head, pressing his nose to Stiles' shoulder quickly before resting his head back down on the seat.

Don't worry Sti; I'm not going anywhere, not until you tell me too.


Three hours and four panic attacks from Stiles later, the trio was finally in Beacon Hills. Scott had passed Stiles about five miles from Beacon Hills to make sure he was waiting at the clinic. Derek made his breathing, and his whining almost constant. He hated making Stiles worry so much, but this was something that he had to do. The Jeep came to a sliding stop at the Beacon Hill's animal clinic where Scott and Deaton were waiting.

"Stiles just stay back," Deaton said as Scott pulled Derek from the back seat and rushed him into the building.

"Let me go, please!" Stiles begged, trying to get into the clinic.

"Stiles, go home. You look exhausted. We will call you as soon we can. Please." Deaton said, trying to calm the boy. Stiles looked at him like a deer in headlights, lost, dazed, and scared. He wanted his wolf; he needed his wolf.

"Please, take care of Beta. Please." Stiles sobbed climbing back into his Jeep and leaving the clinic.

He drove around for half an hour before finding himself back at his parents. He wasn't meant to be home for another week; they're going to be worried. Pulling into the driveway; his father's sheriff cruiser was outside, it must be his day off. Stiles wasn't even sure what day it was at this point. He jumped out of his Jeep, only grabbing his computer bag walking through the front door. He could hear football coming from the living room and humming coming from the kitchen. It was Sunday, dad was watching the game, and mom was prepping Sunday dinner.

"Stiles? What are you doing home so early? Is everything okay?" His mother asked spotting him from her spot next to the skin.

"Uh... Yeah, the sheriff department wanted people to clear off after they found a couple of bodies in the woods. They think it was some bear attack or something." He wasn't completely lying. There were two bodies found in the woods the night before Beta ran off.

"Oh, thank goodness you left when you did. I would have been so worried about hearing that, and you weren't going to come home. Where is Scott?" His mother said, rushing over to hug him.

"He's at the clinic, Deaton called him this morning and said he needed Scott's help with something." Stiles shrugged. "I'm going to take a nap, mom; I've missed my bed." She nodded, giving him a bright smile before going back to her work. Stiles said a quick hello to his father before running up the stairs to his bedroom. He wouldn't be able to sleep but write; he could do that. He needed to get his emotions out.

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