Chapter 35

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"Don't leave my side," Derek growled watching the rival pack approach the house. He watched the red eyes of the Alpha still standing back in the trees.

"Derek, what is your plan? We're trapped in the house until everyone gets here and makes us an opening to get out. Even when that happens, where are we going to go?" Stiles asked hearing a scratch on the front door downstairs. He looked across the hall seeing his parents slowly make their way closer to him. "Mom, Dad." Stiles pulled his parents into a hug. He didn't care what happened to him, as long as they were okay.

"My plan is to protect ourselves until the pack gets here and can get us out," Derek answered as the glass to the sliding door smashed downstairs. "Stay away from the window and the door," Derek growled nosing the door closed.

"I'll watch the window," Mr. Stilinski said pushing his wife and son behind him.

"I'll rip the throat out of anything that tries to come through the door." Derek was ready. He was worried about his pack, after hearing their howls it feels like they should have been at the Stilinski's home by now. Did the rival pack know he was going to call for help and intersected them halfway? Or was there something going on within the pack.

The downstairs windows broke and the front door was slammed onto the hardwood flooring, nails clicked on the stairs. Derek was going to be protecting his mate alone and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able too. They were severely outnumbered, even with Mr. Stilinski armed with a shotgun filled with buckshot, it wasn't going to be enough. There was now wolves on the roof and there was still no sign of Derek's pack. They were running out of time.

"Derek, I want you to get my parents out of here. I can't have them getting hurt. I can take care of myself." Stiles said to his mate, knowing things were about to get ugly.

"Are you crazy?! You want me to leave you here? Alone? Stiles, they're after you! Why the hell would I leave you here?!" Derek snapped looking over his shoulder. He couldn't believe what Stiles said.

"Then what are we going to do Derek? We have to get them out of here! They shouldn't have to deal with this!" Stiles fought looking to his mother, who was hiding in his father's back.

"I don't know Stiles, but I'm not leaving you here," Derek growled holding his ground. The wolves were getting closer, they didn't have time to be fighting.

"Do you think you can break through them enough to get us down to the driveway and into a car? That may be our only option if the pack doesn't show up soon." Stiles looked to Derek knowing they had no other choice. They had to get out while they still had time, the house was already crawling with werewolves, it was going to hard to break through those, Stiles knew Derek could do it.

"Maybe, it's going to be rough, and I need you to keep going if something happens to me. Do you understand?" Derek held his breath hearing a wolf walk past the door.

"You won't leave me, but you want me to leave you behind?! That isn't how this works Derek!" Stiles couldn't believe Derek's request.

"I will be fine. I'll make it out, I can heal Stiles. As long as you and your parents get out, I don't care."


"We don't have time Stiles."

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