Chapter 8

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Stiles rose around ten later that morning, well he tried too, he was stuck in bed because his new extraordinary wolf friend was pinning him down by sleeping on top of Stiles. "Hey, come on, big guy. I gotta get up." Stiles giggled pushing on the wolf who opened his eyes for a second before closing them again and ignoring Stiles. Stiles let out a small growl in frustration before grabbing his phone from the bedside table.

From: Mom

I heard some kids were running around with a gun last night and shot something. Also that there were wolf tracks right outside of the cabin. I feel like you should come home honey, I'm worried that it isn't very safe out there.

From: Dad

There is a pistol in the closet of the master bedroom, use it only if you have too. Stay safe. Love you.

From: Scott

Your parents are freaking out. Well, your mom is, she's been at my house since 7:30 this morning talking with my mom about how she is ready to drive up there and drag you home. What is going on?

"Holy Hell people." Stiles sighed, rubbing his forehead. Of course, his mother heard about last night, why wouldn't she? He can't leave yet; everything is starting to get interesting here. He might come up with something. He was about to text his mother when she began calling him. Fantastic.

"It's about time you answer me, young man!" She exclaimed over the phone.

"Mom, this is the first time you called me. I just woke up. I had a hard time falling back to sleep after those stupid kids." Stiles sighed. It wasn't a complete lie; he was not going to tell his mother about the wolf sleeping on top of him. He needs to figure out this fascination that he has with wolves and the one they have with him.

"What about the wolf tracks?" She asked. He could tell she wasn't happy. He also noticed that the wolf laying on top of him perked up at the word 'wolf.'

"They were just big dog tracks mom. There's a guy who has a pretty pure black king shepherd; I took some pictures." Stiles lied, the wolf was beautiful. Stiles couldn't help but get lost in its eyes running a hand through its fur.

"Oh, good. I was so worried. Have you written anything?"

"Not yet, but I think I came up with something last night in a dream." Stiles grinned as the gears in his head started turning.

"Oh, well then I'll leave you to it, sweetie." She said before hanging up the line.

"Alright big guy. You need to get off of me because Stiles is hungry, plus I've got an amazing idea, and I need my computer." Stiles managed to push the wolf off of him, making his way down the stairs. He heard nails clicking behind him as he found his way into the kitchen.

He quickly took a little bleach water to the island top, making sure that it was spotless after last night. He grabbed a pan from the cupboard next to the stove and started heating it to make some bacon and eggs. When he pulled the bacon from the fridge, the wolf sniffed the air and started wagging its tail.

"I guess I need to feed you, huh? Not that you can't go catch something." Stiles giggled throwing a slice of bacon to the wolf who happily caught it. "You can have more, but let me cook it first, okay?" Stiles laughed as the wolf barked at him, asking for more. It huffed in reply laying down and resting its head on its feet.

"You know," Stiles started when he was laying the bacon in the pan. "If you're going to be sticking around, we might not want the neighbors thinking that I have a wolf wandering around. I also have to come up with something to tell Scott and my parents. You're going to be a piece of work." Stiles sighed, looking over his shoulder at the wolf who rolled over on his back and barked.

"That wasn't a no. Maybe you aren't a wolf, just a dog that someone lost." The wolf growled at that statement. "Okay, I take that as a no. I swear it's like you completely understand me and you're talking back." Stiles laughed, throwing another piece of bacon to the wolf.

Stiles finished breakfast, setting out two plates laying out bacon and eggs on both of them. "Come on, I've got work to do," Stiles said, walking to the living room with the wolf behind him. He set a plate down on the floor and one next to him, grabbing his laptop from the coffee table. Stiles opened it up, loading up a Google Document. He looked at the wolf who seemed to be waiting on him.

"You can eat bud." Stiles laughed, picking up his plate from next to him and taking a bite. The wolf barked in reply, wagging his tail and beginning to dig into the plate on the floor. "Such a weird wolf." Stiles shook his head, beginning to type away on his computer. It was going to be his best story yet if his publicist didn't like this one, he was never going to find an idea that she would like.

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