Chapter 21

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Derek doesn't remember much after leaving his family's house. Scott gave him a light sedative, so he was drowsy for the first little while with Stiles. The moon was high in the sky by the time he woke up looking around the unfamiliar bedroom that he took to be Stiles. Slowly Derek moved off of the blanket on the floor and walked out of the room, slowly moving down the stairs following the sound of Stiles' voice.

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal," Derek stood at the entrance of the Stilinski's kitchen finding Stiles talking with his mother and father. Derek knew them instantly; the sheriff looked over at him, giving him a worried look, while Claudia stared Stiles down before following her husbands gaze to where Derek stood.

"Stiles, you can't keep a wolf as a pet. It's a wild animal," His mother sighed, resting her head in one of her hands. "Stiles, I know you want to understand why wolves like you so much, but keeping one as a pet isn't going to solve that question. You need to take it somewhere that it can be with its kind." She looked to Derek, who flashed his eyes in return. Claudia covered her mouth while looking at the wolf.

"Mom, are you okay?" Stiles asked, looking down to his wolf. "Did he do something?"

"No, no, I didn't realize how big he was. Stiles, you need to think this through a little more, okay?" The change of her heart rate and the tone of her voice was telling Derek that she was now trying to help him. She might not know that it's him, but she now knows more about what's going on.

"I know mom. Beta is different though, he understands me. I honestly don't know what to do without him." Stiles kneeled in front of Derek, who pressed his nose into Stiles' hand.

"Be careful, Stiles, please. We'll be back in a few hours," The sheriff said, leading his wife from the house. Derek gave Stiles a lopsided look to which Stiles giggled.

"I doubt you're hungry, Scott said you probably wouldn't eat for a few more hours." Stiles stood walking to the stairs. Perfect, they were alone, and Derek could finally put his plan into motion. "Come on bud; I want to get a little writing in tonight." Derek followed Stiles back up the stairs and back into the bedroom where Derek had been minutes ago.

Stiles took a seat at the desk in the room and began to stare at his computer screen, wishing for something to happen. He had no inspiration. Derek picked up the wolf toy that Stiles had gotten him from the pet store and set it down next to the boy on the ground. "You want to play? You almost died, and you want to play? You are seriously one weird wolf." Stiles chuckled picking up the toy and tossing it across the room. Derek chased after it quickly taking it back to Stiles.

Derek held onto the toy this time, waiting for Stiles to try and take it from him. Stiles shook his head, grabbing onto the toy and began to pull on it. Derek wasn't going to let go, and neither was Stiles. "Come on, Beta, let go of it." Stiles laughed as he was pulled to the ground by the wolf.

Derek let go of the toy throwing Stiles back a little which the boy laughed. Derek barked happily jumping onto Stiles who seemed a little shocked. Stiles pushed the wolf off of him, rolling onto his stomach and began to play with Derek's tail as the wolf circled him. "You're one of the best things that have ever happened to me Beta. I don't know what I would do without you." Stiles sighed as the wolf stopped and sat on top of him. "You're heavy, you know." Derek let out a whimper, knowing that what he was about to do was going to break Stiles' heart.

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