Chapter 5

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Stiles slept through most of the night until he heard a gunshot. He bolted out of his bed, grabbing his baseball bat and phone before running out the front door turning on all of the nights in the cabin. People were walking out of their homes flashlights in hand, looking around. Stiles could see the flashing red and blue lights coming from the edge of the lake. He made a beeline down there to see what was going on, his dad was a sheriff back home in Beacon Hills, Stiles was always trying to help his dad with cases, and who knows this could give him some pretty good ideas for his book.

"Excuse me, what's going on here?" A woman asked a Deputy before Stiles got the chance.

"A couple of kids were out being stupid in the middle of the night. They heard sounds coming from the bushes, so they thought it was a good idea to shoot at them. No one was hurt, we're trying to contact the kids parents now. Please go back to your homes." The deputy says looking at the three kids sitting in the back of the Fish and Game truck. It reminded Stiles of when Scott and he got into trouble, sitting in the back of his dad's cruiser. They were almost sure their parents were going to lock them in their rooms and ever let them out again, Stiles mother threatened to home-school Stiles more times than he can remember.

He moved back to the cabin, slowly knowing that he was never going to fall back to sleep after this. It was almost three in the morning, what the hell were those kids doing at three in the morning? And with a gun! At least Stiles and Scott only ever had a baseball bat. His dad did teach him how to shoot a gun, just in case someone ever broke into the house, and he wasn't there, he could defend his mother and himself. Stiles did carry a small pistol in his backpack, only for emergencies, he never plans on using it.

Stiles turned all of the lights back off in the cabin before making his way back to bed, and he was going to force himself back to sleep. He needed to start working on his book, and if he was going to do that, he needed rest.

Stiles wasn't sure how long he laid there for, an hour, five minutes, half an hour, possibly two hours before he growled in defeat knowing that he wasn't going to fall back to sleep at this rate. He ran his hand down his face starting to imagine the size of the dark bangs that will end up under his eyes. Slowly moving to sit up in his bed Stiles heard a noise coming from the back deck. It sounded like nails clicking against the wood.

"It's nothing Stiles, probably just a raccoon." He told himself, sliding back down in the bed and covering his head with the blankets. He wanted to see what it was so bad; his body was yearning him too.

"Fuck it." Stiles sighed. He grabbed his bat and flashlight once again before slowly moving down the stairs. Stiles walked as quietly as possible through the kitchen to the back door; the nail clicking sound had stopped when he made it to the kitchen. Maybe it was just a raccoon, but he had to double check for himself, Stiles had to know what was out there.

Taking a deep breath, Stiles turned the doorknob and swiftly opened the back door. Nothing. He stepped out onto the deck, shining the flashlight around; there was nothing. He turned to go back inside when something glimmered under the porch swing. Stiles moved slowly, crouching down to look under the swing, what he saw, not what he expected, just what he hoped it would be. "Wolf."

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