Chapter 3

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"So how was your first couple of days there sweetie?" Stiles mother asked over the phone. She had managed not to call him for the first two days that he was at the cabin, granted she did text him five times every hour, so she might as well have called him. She does try to leave him alone when he's trying to write, but she worries about him, plus he's on his own in the middle of nowhere.

"They've been good; we got a light dusting of snow last night. You know only enough to stick for a couple of hours. The forecast says that we're meant to few an inch or two tonight. Hopefully, Scott doesn't freeze on his ride up here." Stiles replies, watching the TV on mute but with the subtitles on so he knew what was going on. He was excited about the snow, and he couldn't wait to take some pictures. Maybe it would give him a little inspiration too.

"Oh goodness, that's right he got that new motorcycle didn't he? I swear that kid will be the death of me." His mother laughed; he knew she was shaking her head, holding her hand to her forehead.

"Isn't it amazing that you don't have to worry about me like that?" Stiles joked. He knew very well his mother would say that he would be the death of her as well. He and Scott got into trouble all of the time when they were younger, still do now, but that's beside the point.

"Oh don't you give me that Stiles. Between the two of you, I don't know how Melissa and I kept up. You were worse when you started driving, out at godly times of night; we were up all night waiting for you to come home. The nights when your father brought you home in the back of the cruiser were the worst thinking that you broke the law or something." She huffed.

"Lucky for all of us it was just the Jeep breaking down every time and me trying to fix it for hours until I gave up and called dad." Stiles chuckled. He looked out the window at the old blue Jeep that he got for his 16th birthday. After saving every dime, and getting a little money from his parents, Stiles had enough to get it fixed by a proper mechanic. He doesn't know what he would do without that Jeep; he kissed his first girlfriend in that Jeep. Scott kissed his first girlfriend in that Jeep. There were a lot of firsts for them in the Jeep.

"Oh, your father just pulled up. I'll call you later, sweetie. Love you! Stay warm!"

"Okay, bye, mom. Love you too." Stiles smiled to himself, hanging up the phone. He loved his mother to death, but sometimes she was a bit much, as all mothers are. He wouldn't be here without her, so what's he going to do?

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