Sandejas Siblings #1: Tempting The Heiress

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Tempting The Heiress - REVISED EDITION - 2023

Note: You can read this story as STAND-ALONE but for a BETTER reading experience, you can check the pinned book in my profile entitled "Book Updates (Story Guide! Check Here!) >> Book Guide for New Readers" for the chronological order. You can still read this book in any order if you like, just beware of some spoilers. Thank you! Enjoy!


Hi, Dear Reader!

Thank you for dropping by! Hope you can read these first before proceeding to the story. It contains warnings you may encounter in the story.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, songs, places, events, ideas, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

I do not own the photo used for the book cover. All credits to the owners.

All Rights Reserved © heartlessnostalgia (Chennie Ann Cerro)


-Stories are unedited. Usually on their first draft. May contain grammatical and typographical errors.

-Stories are rated MATURED. Contains vulgar words and explicit content not suitable for young audiences.

-Some scenes/ideas were inspired by real-life scenarios, actual events, memes, social media posts, recent and timely issues/topics, and other books read by the author.

-Stories (mostly the old ones) may contain insensitive jokes, verbal insults/abuse, and misogynistic remarks that readers may find disturbing. My apologies for this, the stories (usually the old ones) were written years ago wherein the author wasn't knowledgeable enough. However, you could reach out to the author via this email (heartlessnostalgiabooks) kindly add the at for concerns and clarifications for the betterment of her works.

-The stories will be edited once the author will have some spare time.

-Stories are usually under romantic-comedy (for the romance ones) and it may contain dry humor that others may not find amusing. There are what they call Gen-Z jokes and if you're not into this, kindly drop the story.

-Stories are solely for entertainment aside from wanting the readers to learn lessons as well. Stories may also contain dry humor you may find cringe-worthy.

-READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. You've been warned.

Thank you for reaching this far! If the story wasn't your cup of tea, I'm asking you to kindly drop the story. There are a lot of great stories you could read on the platform and give it a chance.


PLAGIARISM is a crime √

All rights reserved 2016

©heartlessnostalgia (Chennie Ann Cerro)


Sandejas Siblings First Installment:

Tempting the Heiress


"The best way to not get burned is to never play with fire..."

Thallia Josephine Raymundo has only one mission, which is to find the evidence of the crime her father has committed, she has to steal it to save her only family. So, she pretended to be the secretary of the most sought lawyer in town, Atty. Iñigo Rafael Sandejas, cold, wealthy, handsome, and utterly dangerous.

She would do anything to get into this cold lawyer's heart no matter what it takes, even if she has to play with fire, manipulate fate and risk her heart, she will do everything to seduce this man to get into her trap.

But what if the fire she first ignited burned her? What if she ends up losing to her own trap and gets tempted by the man? Would she be able to resist if he started tempting the heiress?

Tempting The HeiressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon