Loving A Vampire Chapter 1

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 1

The sun is starting to set as I make my way through the graveyard towards my Grandmothers tombstone. I love coming to visit her, I don't find the graveyard creepy like most people do. I place the red roses I bought for her on her grave and sit down next to it. Red Roses were always her favorite.

My Grandma was a witch, or so she always told me. My mother never believed any of it, she claimed that my Grandma was old and going crazy, but I'm not so sure. My Grandma said that the gift always skipped a generation and that's why my mom doesn't understand. I loved listening to my Grandmothers stories, they were always so interesting.

Two years ago on my fourteenth birthday my Grandma showed up looking panicked and scared. My parents didn't pay much attention to her. Later that night my mom and dad were busy talking in the kitchen so I went to the living room where my Grandma was sitting and asked her what was wrong expecting one of her stories.

But as I sat down next to her I felt this strange cold feeling running through my body, needless to say this freaked me out. My Grandma was staring straight ahead with wide open eyes, I followed her gaze and let out a scream as I saw a figure materializing in front of me.

My mom and dad came running into the living room to see what happened, I told them what I had seen but they didn't believe me because they couldn't see anything. The figure disappeared when they came into the living room but I doubt that they would have been able to see it anyway. They blamed everything on my Grandma, they said that she was a bad influence for me. Before she left she told me that she was sorry, I asked her for what but she didn't answer, she just kept on apologizing.

That night my Grandma died, she drove her car off of a cliff on her way home. I don't think that it was an accident, I believe that she saw something and somehow lost control of her car.

I haven't seen anything since that night and sometimes I try to convince myself that I never really saw anything at all. This might have worked if it wasn't for the nightmares. I see him in my dreams every night. At first he was just a figure but over the last two years he has become clearer every night, I can almost see exactly what he looks like now except for his eyes that always seems blurry.

I don't tell anybody about my nightmares, I don't think they will believe me anyway.

My cell phone rings and I snap back to reality. I check the caller ID but it doesn't show anything and then it just stops ringing.

"That's weird" I mutter to myself and get up to go home.

As I'm walking through the graveyard I get this feeling that somebody is watching me so I walk faster looking behind me every few seconds but I don't see anybody. I hear my Grandma's voice in my head saying "Just because you can't see him doesn't mean his not there". This freaks me out completely and I run the rest of the way out of the cemetery only slowing down when it was completely out of sight.

I get home just as my Parents pull into the driveway. My mom gets out of the car with a huge birthday cake and my dad helps her carry it inside. I follow them into the house feeling relieved that I'm not alone.

"So how is the birthday girl?" my dad asks.

"I'm fine dad, can't wait to dig into that cake, it looks delicious"

"It's your favorite, chocolate fudge, I had it specially made" my mom says with a huge smile on her face.

"Thanks mom, now we just need pizza for supper and this will be the best birthday ever" I laugh.

"Well that can be arranged" my dad says as he heads for the pizza menu stuck to the fridge. We order two large pizzas and I head upstairs to my room to wash up and change into something more comfortable.

When the pizza arrived my parent thought it would be fun to watch a scary movie while we ate, I love scary movies.

The pizza and the cake were delicious but I couldn't get myself to concentrate. I kept thinking about what my Grandma said in the graveyard.

"Just because you can't see him doesn't mean his not there".

"What did you say honey?" my mom asked looking confused.

"Oh, just thinking out loud" I replied wondering why on earth I said that.

Luckily the movie was about ghosts and my mom brushed off my comment thinking I was probably talking about the movie.

After the movie my parents announced that it was time for my gift. I love gifts. My dad handed me a really small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper and laughed at my confused expression. It was really small and I remember telling them that I didn't want jewelry, I don't wear the stuff.

"Go on open it" my mom encouraged.

I pulled off the wrapping paper revealing a small black box, I opened the lid and saw a key. A key! They bought me a car!

"Is this what I think it is?" I asked, barely concealing my excitement.

"Go on, have a look outside" my mom laughs.

I run outside like an exited kid on Christmas morning and find a brand new Mini Cooper standing in the driveway with a big red ribbon on top of it.

My mom and dad stood in the doorway looking at me so I ran back to them and gave them both a big hug.

"Thank you so much, I love it!" I almost yelled and ran back to my car.

"What are you waiting for, take it for a spin, we know you want to" my mom says laughing.

I grab the ribbon off of the top, throw it in the passenger seat and jump in. I put the key in the ignition and start it up, I still can't believe it, my own car! It starts with the first turn of the key and I back out of the driveway and wave at my parents, they were still laughing at me. I drove slowly checking out every button on my dashboard not really paying much attention to where I was going until I felt a strange cold feeling running through my body, the exact same feeling I had on my fourteenth birthday then I hear my Grandma's voice in my head again "Don't look Chelsea, don't look".

I slammed on my breaks and the car came to a violent stop, luckily there was no one behind me, come to think about it I haven't seen any cars for a while. I look out my window to see where I am and realize I am standing right next to the cemetery; this part of town is completely deserted at night.

I hear my Grans voice in my head again "Don't look Chelsea. Don't look".

I am really scared at this point and all I want to do is get out of here but before I pull away I get the same feeling I had this afternoon that somebody is watching me. I look into my rearview mirror and see him sitting in my back seat staring at me with piercing blue eyes.

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