Loving A Vampire Chapter 16

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 16

We made love and it was even more amazing then the first time. I thought his touch was incredible before but now with my increased senses everything was so much more amazing. His intoxicating scent, his touch, his kisses and his voice was all more incredible than before, I didn't think that was even possible.

I felt more alive than ever now that I was dead, I had so much energy. We made love for hours and we would have continued if it wasn't for the fact that my throat was hurting so much I thought I was going to die again. Kaleb let me feed from him again, I didn't want to but gave in when I saw that the previous wound was completely healed. After I fed on him he drank some of the blood that he stole from the blood bank.

"I think you're ready" Kaleb said looking at me in amazement.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"To go outside"


"Yes, there are a lot of things I need to teach you, you should get dressed, we'll leave as soon as it's dark outside"

"I thought you said the sun won't do anything to us" I stated remembering that I asked him that.

"It won't, I just prefer the night and it's much easier to hunt when it's dark as well"

"Oh, ok" I said getting up from the bed and getting dressed in jeans and a tank top.

It wasn't long before we left and I saw the night sky with my new eyes for the first time. It was absolutely gorgeous and I had no problem seeing in the dark like I would have had before. I could see the cracks on the moon and the ants sitting on leaves of trees that were miles away.

"We can't go anywhere near town, we don't want anybody seeing you" Kaleb said taking my hand and walking in the opposite direction from where I was heading.

"Where will we go?" I asked

"Anywhere you want to". Kaleb said smiling at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you there are a lot of things you need to learn, this will be your first lesson. Hold on to me and think of somewhere you want to be" I did as he said wrapping my arms around him. I closed my eyes and thought hard about somewhere I wanted to go.

When I opened my eyes we were standing in an overgrown forest and I knew it had worked.

"Where are we?" Kaleb asked looking around him.

"I can't remember the name of this place, I came here on holiday with my parents when I was younger".

"Ok, let's go find somebody"

We ran through the forest at an incredible speed until we reached the small town. It was mostly a holiday destination so unless it was in season there weren't a lot of people hanging around. We walked through the town at a normal human pace holding hands when I realized I haven't even seen myself since I changed.



"I want to see how I look".

"Oh ok, there should be a mirror at that garage" Kaleb said looking around.

We walked over to the garage pretending to be a normal couple. There was an old man sitting outside at the entrance of the garage shop so Kaleb waited outside while I used the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was grateful that the reflection looking back at me still looked like me. My skin was paler and my brown eyes were shiny and bright, I was much prettier than before but still me. I met Kaleb outside where he was patiently waiting for me.

"So what do you think?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"I like it" I replied honestly.

"Good, I like it too" Kaleb teased kissing me gently on the lips which caused my whole body to shiver with pleasure.

"Concentrate on the old man and tell me what you pick up" Kaleb whispered into my ear so I did as he told me

"He's evil" I answered after a few second. It was strange because I didn't know what he had done but I knew he was bad, it was like an instinct only much stronger.

"Yes he is and there is nobody around".

"You want me to feed on him?"


"What do I do?" I asked starting to panic.

"Just follow your instincts, I'm right here, you don't have to worry". Kaleb answered giving me a kiss and then releasing me.

I walked over to the old man not sure of what to do but as I got closer my predatory instincts took over. I ran the last few feet that separated us and leaped into the air. The impact with which I landed on him broke the chair he was sitting on and I heard almost every bone in his body snap. He looked up at me with terror in his eyes but it didn't affect me in any way, I didn't feel guilty for what I was about to do. The bloodlust had set in and I had to feed. I opened my mouth feeling my fangs slip out and brought them down on his throat starting to suck immediately.

I heard an agonizing groan come from the old man and then he went completely limp. I drank until there was no blood left in him. I stood up and took a step back looking at the dead man lying on the floor in front of me.

"I killed him" I stated, I still didn't feel guilty, I just couldn't believe that I had actually killed somebody.

"Yes you did, we better get out of here before somebody comes along and finds him" Kaleb said taking my hand.

The world went black around me for a second and then I was standing in the middle of out Crypt.

"Do you know how hot that was?" Kaleb asked pulling me into his arms and staring into my eyes.

"Hot?" I questioned.

"Yes hot, I've never seen anything like you in all my years"

"But I killed him"

"Nobody is going to miss him, the world is a better place without him in it. Now can we please stop talking and start kissing?" Kaleb asked pulling me even closer to his body

"Yes we can" I agreed forgetting about the old man I just killed.

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