Loving A Vampire Chapter 4

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 4

When I arrived at school I started looking for Virgil immediately, I wanted to find him before I changed my mind. I looked everywhere for him but he was nowhere to be found.

In a way I was relieved that I didn't find him but on the other hand I was angry, I really needed to figure out what was going on. My first few classes dragged by slowly, lunch break eventually came and I sat by Abby and Jenny at our usual seat but there was still no sign of Virgil.

"I wonder where he went yesterday, after you left he just got up without any explanation and we haven't seen him since, that is really weird". Jenny said looking at me.

"I don't know, I was heading to my locker when I started feeling sick, so I went home". I replied not really wanting to tell them about what's been happening the last few days.

"I don't think he's at school today, I haven't seen him yet and he's not somebody your going to overlook in the hallways" Abby chirped in.

That is how the rest of lunch break went. Abby and Jenny thought of every possible reason why he left so suddenly yesterday and why he wasn't at school today. I didn't talk much only answering when a question was thrown my way.

After lunch we had history, I took my seat preparing myself for an hour of boredom. I don't like history, I don't find it very interesting and Mr. Jones's teaching methods didn't help much.

Jenny and Abby took there usual seats next to me as Mr. Jones started mumbling something in the front of the class, I didn't pay any attention. The class was quiet, the geeks hanging on to every word Mr. Jones spoke and the rest of the class probably sleeping. I took out a notepad and started doodling on one of the pages.

A few minute had past when suddenly I heard Abby's voice in my ear.

"Wow! Whose that?"

"Who?" I asked turning my attention to her.

"That guy you're drawing". She said looking down at my notepad.

I wasn't paying attention to what I was drawing, I was too caught up in my own thoughts. I looked down at my drawing and what I saw took me completely by surprise. I had drawn Kaleb, the drawing looked exactly like him as if he had posed for it. It was done in black and white except for his eyes which was the same piercing blue as always.

I stared at my drawing in shock, how could I have done such an exact drawing without knowing it.

"So who is it?" Abby asked again.

"I don't know". I whispered.

"Well he's hot, can I have it?" I always drew pictures for Abby and Jenny, they think that I am a very good artist.

"No!" I almost shouted without thinking about it.

The whole class went quiet and looked at me including Mr. Jones.

"I'm sorry". I muttered without looking at anybody and concentrated on my desk in front of me. Mr. Jones continued with the lesson and Abby sat down in her seat looking really pissed at me.

I sat there looking at my drawing still amazed and confused by my outburst when I realized that I didn't have any blue pens in my pencil case. I double checked to make sure but there was no blue pen. I looked at the drawing with the piercing blue eyes and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine.

When the bell rang I threw my stuff in my backpack and headed for my next class. The rest of the day went by in a daze. Everything was just getting stranger by the moment and I couldn't get myself to concentrate. Abby didn't speak to me again but did manage to give me a few dirty looks.

When school was eventually over I was relieved, I was tired and just wanted to crawl into my bed and sleep. I drove home hoping to have a peaceful night but as I pulled up in my driveway I saw somebody leaning on my front door waiting for me.

I was so angry and irritated that I jumped out of my car, slammed the door and ran up to Virgil.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted at him forgetting my fear for a moment.

"You wanted to talk to me, I didn't think that school was the best place for that".

I felt the fear starting to creep back and tried to fight it off.

"How do you know I wanted to talk to you and how do you know where I live?" I shouted again as tears started to fill my eyes.

"I know a lot of things about you my dear Chelsea". Virgil replied with a smile on his face. My whole body started shaking with fear, I wanted to turn around and run away but I didn't, I had to get the answers I was looking for.

I took a step forward and looked him straight in the eyes, I couldn't show fear right now, I had to be strong.

"Where is Kaleb?" I asked, knowing that is the question I wanted answered most.

Virgil chuckled and gave me an amused look.

"Where is he?" I yelled at him. Virgil must not have liked this because he jumped forward closing the distance between us and grabbed me around the neck. His eyes turned a crimson red and he made a strange growling noise. I let out a scream and started kicking and hitting him, he just smiled an evil smile at my futile attempts and opened his mouth revealing two pearly white fangs. He lowered his head towards my neck and I felt the worst pain imaginable as his fangs pierced my skin. I went limp in his arms as he started feeding on me, the pain was excruciating and I started fading in and out of consciousness. I could faintly remember him saying "You are mine now".

I woke with a scream sitting up straight. I looked around me and saw that I was in my bed. My hand automatically moved up to my neck where I was bitten and I cringed with pain as I touched my wound. I took another look around my room just to make sure Virgil wasn't there. I checked the time on my cell phone and saw that it was just after eight pm, my parent should already be home. Why didn't my mom come check on me when I woke up screaming?

I jumped out of bed and nearly fell over from dizziness, I walked over to my dressing mirror and took a look at my neck. There was two dark red puncture wounds with dark purple bruising all around it, it looked as horrible as it felt. I tried walking further to check where my parents were but couldn't. The dizziness took over and I collapsed on the floor. I laid like that for about an hour before I tried moving again, I crawled to my bed and pulled myself up onto it. I was worried about my parents but I was obviously not going anywhere. I laid down on my bed crying when I noticed my black rose on my bedside table, I took it and held it in my hands as I drifted off into another nightmare.

I was walking through a field filled with black roses, the moon was hiding behind the clouds and I could hear thunder not to far away. In the distance I saw somebody walking towards me and as he came closer I could make out his white hair and blue eyes. I started running towards him knowing that if I could only get to him everything would be ok. When he was close enough I threw my arms around his neck and started sobbing. Kaleb pulled me closer, tightening his arms around me, we stood like that until I stopped crying. Kaleb took a step back and I looked into his beautiful eyes. The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smile as I he gently wiped away my tears. His touch felt like an electric current running through my body and at that moment the lightning crashed right beside us. The wind was howling and raindrops started falling drenching us both.

The wind blew my hair out behind me and I saw as Kaleb's face change into a mask of anger as he saw the bite mark on my neck. The happiness in his eyes turned to pure hatred and at that moment the clouds, the rain, the thunder and lightning all disappeared and we were left in complete darkness. Kaleb pulled me into his arms as I heard Virgil's voice behind me.

"She's mine". He said with a growl.

"Never" Kaleb replied pushing me behind him and crouching down like an animal about to attack. I heard some more growling coming from the both of them and then Kaleb leaped up into the air landing on Virgil with a terrifying scream.

I woke up soaking wet with my heart pounding in my chest and I knew that although I was asleep what just happened was very real.

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