Loving A Vampire Chapter 13

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 13

I couldn't believe what had just happened, it was all so unreal. In a couple of hours Kaleb would come fetch me and take me somewhere where he was going to change me into a Vampire. I wanted this more than anything it just seemed so unreal.

I got up from my bed feeling overwhelmed and a bit nervous, I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like if Kaleb bit me. The thought caused my whole body to break out in goose bumps, I couldn't wait to be his. I had to get my things together for tonight so I grabbed one of my back packs out of the cupboard and packed some clothes into it. I thought about packing my toothbrush but reconsidered, I wasn't going to need it anymore. I took a photo album which held photos of my parents and most of my family, this is all I could have of then in my future. The last thing I packed was the book of spells and then I was done.

I ripped a piece of paper from one of my school books and started writing a note for my parents.

Dear Mom and Dad.

I am sorry to do this to you but I am leaving, it is not because of anything you have done so please don't blame yourselves. You have been wonderful parents to me and I am truly thankful for everything that you have done for me.

I have found somebody that I love and cannot live without but being with this person means I cannot stay with you so I am leaving. Please try to understand and to one day find it in your hearts to forgive me and be happy for me.

I will never forget you.

Love Chelsea.

I folded the letter in half placing it on my bedside table with a black rose holding it in place. I really do love my parents, I wish thing could have been different so that I could maybe see them again but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

I went downstairs when my parents got home and ate dinner with them. It was difficult knowing that it would be the last time I would be with them but I tried hiding it, I didn't want them to suspect anything. I have made my decision and I was going through with it, I wanted to be with Kaleb more than anything and giving up my life as I knew it was just something I had to do to get what I wanted.

When dinner was finished I headed upstairs and took a long hot shower. I dried my hair until it was perfectly straight and then added some make up. I put on dark eye shadow, eye liner mascara and a light pink lipstick. I got dressed in a lacey black knee length dress and high heels. I scratched around in my jewelry box wondering what I had in there and found a necklace my mom bought me about a year ago. It was perfect, it was made of white gold and had a charm of a rose with a little diamond in the centre hanging on it. I hung it around my neck and took a look in the mirror.

I looked like a Vampire princess, now I just needed my prince to come and fetch me. I laid down on my bed closing my eyes and thinking about my new life with Kaleb when I felt a cold hand brushing my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Kaleb sitting on my bed with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know it was possible to look more beautiful then you usually do, you are absolutely gorgeous". Kaleb said taking my hand in his and kissing it.

"Thank you".

"My pleasure, now have you written a letter for you parent?"

"Yes" I answered pointing to the piece of paper on my bedside table.

Kaleb picked it up, looked at it for about a second and placed it back under the rose.

"Ok, so are you sure you still want to do this?"

"Yip, I'm sure"

In one fluent movement Kaleb got up from my bed, threw my back pack over his shoulders and picked me up into his arms.

"Wow!" was all I could say and then he jumped out of the window.

We landed smoothly without a sound and Kaleb took off running. We were going so fast that I could even make out where we were going until Kaleb came to a stop in front of an old Crypt. We were at the cemetery.

"Is it safe here?" I asked taking in my surroundings

"This is probably the safest place for Vampires you'll ever find". Kaleb answered opening the door to the Crypt and stepping inside. It was not what I expected. There were no coffins and no dead bodies, instead there was a huge bed in the middle of the floor with candles hanging from the ceiling all around the room giving off a luminous red glow. There was a stereo standing next to a cupboard and the walls were decorated with paintings of black roses, it was beautiful.

Kaleb set me down gently and placed my back pack on the floor as he walked over to the stereo and switched it on. If I was you vampire by Marilyn Manson started playing as I walked over to one of the rose paintings on the wall to examine it.

I felt cold hands touching my shoulders and running down my arms causing millions of butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"It's beautiful" I said referring to the painting.

"Nothing could ever be called beautiful when compared to you my love". Kaleb said as I felt his lips softly touch my neck.

"Now?" I asked.

"Not yet, first I want to make love to you".

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