Loving A Vampire Chapter 12

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 12

I drifted off into sleep as I laid in Kaleb's arms and for the first time in a long time I didn't dream at all. I woke up the next morning and panicked when I didn't feel Kaleb's arms around me. I sat up quickly looking around my room but he wasn't there, the only sign that I didn't imagine everything that happened last night was a black rose lying on a piece of paper on my bedside table.

I picked it up and read the note.


I had to go feed, I think after this time I will be completely healed. Don't worry, I won't kill anybody, they won't even know what happened.

I'll be waiting for you when you get back from school.

I miss you already.



Reading the note made me feel better instantly, he only left me because he had to feed and he was missing me as much as I was missing him. I got out of bed wondering how I was going to be able to act normal at school after everything that has happened. I got dressed in a daze while fantasizing about Kaleb and headed to school.

The day dragged by slowly and I found myself constantly gazing into space and daydreaming about Kaleb. When the bell finally rang announcing we could go home I grabbed my bag and ran to the parking lot. I got a few angry and confused glares as I pushed the kids out of the way. I jumped into my car and sped away home to see Kaleb.

He was waiting in my room for me, sitting on my bed and looking more gorgeous than ever. He had on a tight black T shirt, black jeans and big studded boots. I ran over to him throwing my bag on the floor and jumping into his arms hugging him tightly to me.

"I'm glad to see you too" He chuckled and gently kissed me on my lips.

"I missed you" I complained and kissed him again.

"I missed you too, but you're going to have to get used to it, you've got two years of school left and then there is college and then you are going to have to find a job". Kaleb said teasing me.

"Not necessarily"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you could change me, and then I'll never have to go to school again". I joked but realized that is exactly what I wanted, I wanted to be like Kaleb, then we could be together forever.

"And here I was under the impression you liked me, now I find out you just want to use me to get out of going to school" Kaleb laughed but I could see in his eyes that he was considering it.

"I'm serious Kaleb, I want to be like you"

"Are you sure?" Kaleb asked no longer teasing me.


"What about your parents? You won't be able to see them or any of your friends ever again".

"I know" I answered, I know it won't be easy but it's what I wanted. I didn't want Kaleb just for a lifetime, I wanted him for eternity.

"I want to be with you forever, I know I'm going to have to say goodbye to my family and I know everything is going to change, but it's all worth it if I get to spend forever with you" I continued telling him exactly how I felt.

"I want that too" Kaleb said as he started placing kisses down my neck, I shivered with pleasure.

"When do you want to do it?" Kaleb asked moving me so that I was lying on my bed with him next to me.

"How about tonight?" I asked gasping as he slipped his hand under my shirt.

"Tonight huh?" Kaleb teased as his hand moved up my body, he knew he was driving me crazy.

"Yes, tonight" I said pulling him closer and kissing him, he kissed me back passionately and then pulled away sitting up.

"Why did you stop?" I complained.

"Do you really want to do this tonight Chelsea?" Kaleb asked looking serious.


"Then I have to go now, I have to find somewhere safe for us to do it". Kaleb said as he got up from my bed.

"You should write your parents a letter or something, make sure you tell them everything you want them to know, you won't get a chance to do it again" He walked to my window opening it.

"I'll come fetch you tonight my love"



"Will it hurt?" I asked remembering the time Virgil bit me.

"I won't let it" He answered and then he was gone.

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