Loving A Vampire Chapter 15

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 15

The world started coming back into focus but everything looked different than it did before. I blinked my eyes and took a look around the room. It was still dark but I could see clearly. I focused my attention on Kaleb who was sitting beside me on the bed. He was more gorgeous than ever now that I could truly see him. It was like I was blind before and now I could see.

I heard somebody talking and jumped up from the bed wondering who was here with us. The movement was fast and powerful causing me to freeze in place out of shock. Kaleb had a concerned look on his face as he slowly got up from the bed and walked over to where I was standing not wanting to frighten me more.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"Don't panic Chelsea, I know everything is new to you but I promise you will get use too it, I'll help you". Kaleb said trying to calm me, I knew he was right so I closed my eyes, counted to ten trying to relax and then opened them again.

"I heard somebody talking, who is here with us?" I asked figuring I'd feel better once I knew.

"Nobody's here, your hearing has improved quite significantly just like all you're other senses. You can hear things from quite a distance now." Kaleb answered me and led me back over to the bed.

"My throat is hurting" I said sitting down and looking at Kaleb. I had a million and one things going on in my head at the same time. I wanted to know what other senses he was talking about that had improved, I wanted to inspect every single item in the room with my new vision, I wanted to kiss Kaleb desperately and feel his arms around me but I reminded myself to stay calm and concentrate on one thing at a time.

"You are thirsty, that's going to happen a lot in the beginning but it gets better with time if you feed frequently". Kaleb said moving closer to me.

"I'm going to let you feed on me, I don't want to take you hunting until you are more in control. It comes natural so just bite and drink" He said offering his wrist to me.

The burning in my throat was getting worse every second and I wanted nothing more than to drink his blood but I couldn't help but wonder if that was a good idea. I didn't know how much blood he could lose before he would start getting week and I already drank a lot earlier.

"Will you be ok, I don't want to hurt you"

"I'll be fine, I robbed a blood bank before bringing you here, I knew I would need to feed and I didn't want to leave you here alone".

"Oh, why don't you give me that blood then instead of letting me feed on you?"

"I want this to be as easy as possible for you Chelsea, you will get stronger faster if you drink vampire blood instead of human blood. I promise you I'm fine, now drink" Kaleb said pushing his arm in front of me again.

This time I didn't hesitate, Kaleb wouldn't lie to me. I took his arm with my hands and wondered how it worked. I felt around my mouth with my tongue but I didn't feel any fangs.

"Just bite" Kaleb chuckled.

Oh well, he knows what his talking about I figured and opened my mouth over his arm and bit down onto his wrist. I felt my fangs slipping out and puncturing his skin as I closed my mouth around his wrist. I could feel them cutting through his flesh and was really hoping that I wasn't hurting him but soon forgot all my worries as I sucked on his wrist and his sweet blood filled my mouth.

I drank hastily, each sip dulling the pain in my throat. His blood tasted even better than it did the first time I drank it. It was intoxicating making me feel like I could do anything. I kept drinking feeling completely caught up in the bliss his blood was filling my body with.

"Chelsea" I heard Kaleb say causing me to come back to reality. I looked up at him still sucking on his arm.

"Stop, you've had enough" I didn't want to stop, I wanted more but I knew I had to so I stopped sucking and pulled my fangs out of his wrist. I watched Kaleb's arm expecting it to heal in front of my eyes like it did before but the two puncture wounds didn't go away. I was starting to panic as I watched Kaleb wrap a piece of cloth around his wrist to stop the bleeding.

"I thought you said you would be ok!?" I yelled frightening myself as my words came out much louder than I anticipated.

"I'm fine" Kaleb said taking in my confused expression.

"Then why aren't you healing?" I asked keeping my voice as low as possible this time.

"Because you are a vampire, we heal immediately from anything except another vampires bite. It will still heal faster than any normal human would, it just takes a bit longer".

"How long will it take?"

"An hour, maybe two, now just calm down, I am perfectly fine". Kaleb answered looking at me like I was blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Well maybe I was but I didn't like the fact that he was hurt and I especially didn't like the fact that it was me who had done it to him.

"I'm ok, I promise" Kaleb said moving even closer to me then he already was. His scent was just as intoxicating as his blood and I just couldn't help myself. I jumped on top of him causing him to fall backwards on the bed. I saw him watching me with anticipation in his eyes. He had a huge smile on his face knowing what was going to happen next.

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