Loving A Vampire Chapter 22

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 22

"Ok so let's do this" I said getting up from the bed and lighting a few candles. The spell I was going to do on Kaleb was easy, it only required me to chant the words of the spell while exchanging blood with Kaleb. I grabbed a knife and walked over to Kaleb, he looked worried about me.

"I really don't think this is a good idea" He said as he watched me cut my wrist.

"It's the only way" I answered handing the knife to him. He cut his wrist and held it out so that I could press mine against his. I started chanting the words and I could feel power running through my body and into Kaleb's. He didn't move an inch or say a word but I'm sure it must have felt quite strange as my power entered his body. My spells won't do anything to him now.

When I was done with the spell and was sure that it worked I pulled my wrist away from he's and watched as it healed in front of my eyes.

"You should try something and see if it works" Kaleb said probably hoping that it didn't work and that we'll have to think of another plan. I've learned a few spells over the last couple of days and said the words that would under any other circumstances have changed Kaleb's hair to black but it stayed white proving my spell useless against him.

"It worked!" I exclaimed.

"Which one?" Kaleb asked wondering what was supposed to have happened.

"The first one, you are immune to my spells!"

Kaleb didn't look half as happy as me about it but I was sure that we were doing the right thing.

"Oh come on... It's going to work" I said moving so that I was sitting on his lap. He didn't answer me, instead he slipped his one arm around my waste and the other around my neck pulling me closer and pressing his lips against mine. I kissed him back passionately unable to resist the way his touch made me feel.

He moved me so that I was lying on the bed with him half way on top of me. He leaned closer kissing me again as his hands slipped under my shirt and started to explore my body. We made love and it was amazing just like always but this time I could feel a bit of need and urgency in it and I think it was because we both knew deep down that it could be the last time we'll ever be together.

"I suppose we should this" Kaleb said getting up from the bed and lying down on the floor like he fainted or something. I was starting to get nervous but knew I had to do it so I stood up from the bed and walked over to the Crypt's door.

"I love you" I whispered softly knowing that he would hear me.

"I love you too" He replied and then I opened the door.

Virgil was still sitting against the tree looking irritated but as soon as he saw me opening the door he jumped up and was standing in front of me in a split second.

"I want to talk to you" I said trying to keep myself calm, I couldn't let him see how much he scared me.

"What happened to Kaleb?" He asked looking over to where he was lying on the floor.

"He's sleeping".

"You put a spell on him" Virgil stated looking back at me with a hint of new found hope in his eyes.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you alone".

"How do I know I can trust you?" Virgil asked.

"I will prove my trust to you and you will prove yours to me, sounds fare doesn't it?" I questioned.

"Yes but how will you do this?"

"I will cast a spell so that Kaleb can't leave this Crypt and in return you will send your vampire friends away so that we can speak in private" I answered stepping out of the Crypt and into the moonlight to try to convince him that he could trust me.

"Ok but you do the spell first" He agreed obviously afraid to send his vampire slaves away while Kaleb could still get out of the Crypt. I didn't say anything more figuring that I was going to have to do the spell before he would talk to me anyway. I got the powder and liquid I needed from inside and did the spell. It was a lot like the spell we did to keep everybody out of the Crypt except that this spell would stop anybody inside from leaving it.

"My part is done" I said showing him the sign carved into the ground outside of the Crypt's door proving that the spell worked.

"Leave us" He said to the vampires and I watched as the lurking figures disappeared into the distance.

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