Loving A Vampire Chapter 3

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 3

I reached out with my hand to touch the bloody name written on my bed, not believing what I've just seen but as my hand touches it the blood evaporates and my black rose lies in front of me where his name was written just a few seconds ago.

Still scared out of my mind I jump off of my bed and throw all the books laying on my bedroom floor back into the boxes and throw the boxes back into my closet. I close my closet door and lock it backing away until I reach my bed.

I hear the front door opening and quickly check the time. School was already out, at least I won't have to explain why I was at home early. I run downstairs to greet my mom, I have a good relationship with my parents even though they never liked my Grandma, and I am starting to think that maybe they were right about her all along.

"Hi Mom" I say as I walk into the living room where she was laying on the sofa.

"Hard day huh?" I ask sitting down on the couch opposite her.

"Yes, I definitely need a holiday" She says as she sits up and looks over at me.

"Chelsea, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost!" My mom jumps up and run over to me feeling my head to see if I've got a fever.

"I'm just feeling a bit sick, nothing to bad, probably just the flue" I lie, I couldn't exactly tell her what I just saw.

"Are you sure? You really don't look to good" my mom asks looking really concerned.

"Yes, I'm sure, I just need some hot cocoa and I'll be ok in no time"

"Ok, but I want you in bed early tonight" she said and went to the kitchen to make me cocoa. I followed her and sat down at the kitchen table trying not to think about what just happened. My mom sat down with me and we drank our cocoa while she told me about her day at work.

After about an hour my mom started making dinner and I decided to go upstairs and take a hot shower. The warm water helped my muscles relax and when I was done I felt a bit better except for a pounding headache. I dried myself and got dressed in some comfy sweats and a T shirt. I walked over to the medicine cabinet, opened it and took out two aspirins. I filled a glass with water and took a look in the mirror before swallowing the pills.

My long black hair was standing in every direction possible and my chocolate brown eyes were red from all the crying, I was a complete mess.

I threw the aspirins down my throat and took a sip of water when suddenly out of the blue I felt that same cold sensation running up my body, I looked up into the mirror and there he was standing behind me looking over my shoulder. I turned around to face him and accidentally dropped the glass in my hand, it fell to the floor braking into a million little pieces, when I looked up he was gone. The only evidence to show that he was there was tree words written on my bathroom wall.

Find me... Please.

It was written in big red letters, my lipstick lying open on the floor. I picked it up and placed it on the bathroom cabinet next to me, my hands shaking.

I hear somebody knocking at my bedroom door, maybe my mom heard the glass breaking.

"I'm coming!" I yell and quickly wipe the red lipstick from the wall. I jump over the glass still laying on the floor and run to my bedroom door to open it.

"Hi mom" I say opening the door.

"What happened? Are you ok? I heard something breaking up here".

"I dropped my glass in the bathroom" I say trying to look calm.

My mom walked over to the bathroom and started cleaning up the mess, I told her that I would do it but she told me to lie down and get some rest. After she cleaned up she left but returned with a bowl of soup within a few minutes.

"I think you should eat this and try to get some sleep".

"I'm ok mom, really, you don't have to worry".

"I'm already worried, if you don't look better in the morning I'm taking you to the hospital for a check up".

"I hate hospitals". I complained and took the soup.

"And I hate it when you are sick so no arguments".

She got up and started leaving but stopped at my door.

"Dad's working late so don't wait up, I want you to get some rest".

"Ok mom" I answered as she closed my door.

Maybe she was right, I should try to get some sleep. I placed the bowl of soup on my bedside table and climbed under the covers closing my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep, I kept on wondering where he could be. I only fell asleep after one in the morning. I dreamt of him again but it was different this time.

I was standing in my bathroom in front of my medicine cabinet. I looked into the mirror and there he was standing behind me, I turned around but this time he didn't disappear. We stood their facing each other and I wasn't afraid. I looked straight into his piercing blue eyes and I knew I had to help him.

"Kaleb" I say still looking into his eyes.

"Yes" He replies and the corner of his mouth turns up into a smile.

"Where are you?" I ask remembering him telling me to find him, when suddenly I hear my Grandma screaming "No Chelsea, don't do it!"

"Come on Kaleb, tell me where you are" I say panicking, I could feel him slipping away from me. As he started to answer the bathroom started spinning and all the taps opened at the same time but instead of water blood was running out of them. I ran for the door but it slammed closed before I could get out. I turned around to face my nightmare, the bathroom was spinning faster and fasted throwing everything off of the shelves and into the blood which was up to my knees by now. I walked over to the medicine cabinet struggling not to fall. I grabbed onto the washing basin to steady myself and looked into the mirror, but instead of piercing blue eyes staring back at me I saw two pitch black eyes looking at me from inside the mirror. I let go of the basin and fell back into the blood screaming.

The next morning I woke up on my bathroom floor, I sat up and looked around. Everything was clean and in place, it was just a dream. I slowly got up and realized that my clothes felt wet and sticky. I looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw was absolutely terrifying, I was covered in blood.

I walked over to the shower sobbing, my hart pounding in my chest. I took a hot shower and washed off all of the blood, I wrapped the blood stained clothes in a garbage bag and threw it in a corner of the bathroom. I'll take care of it later, right now I needed answers. I pulled myself together as good as I could and got dressed for school, I even added a bit of lipstick and mascara so that my mom would believe I was really feeling ok.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to face the day.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad" I called as I passed my parents in the living room and headed towards the front door.

"Hold up!" my mom shouted and ran after me. I waited for her at the door, there was no way I'm staying at home today.

"How are you feeling?" she asked when she reached me.

"I'm fine mom, I told you that it was nothing to worry about".

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am one hundred percent sure"

"Ok, I guess you can go then".

"Thanks" I replied sarcastically and headed to my car. I'm not usually rude but things were really starting to get to me.

I drove to school slowly wondering how I'm going to be able to face Virgil without freaking out completely, but I had to talk to him. He definitely knows what's going on and maybe he will say something that could help me find Kaleb, I have to find him. I know it isn't going to be easy to get him to tell me anything, he didn't want me to find Kaleb and neither did my Grandma.

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