Loving A Vampire Chapter 5

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 5

I got out of bed still feeling dizzy and took a long hot shower trying to accept what had happened to me in the last few days. I got dressed and took a look in the mirror at my wound. It looked worse then last night and I couldn't let anyone see it so I cleaned it with some antiseptic which hurt like hell and probably wouldn't do any good anyway and covered it by wearing a scarf.

I looked pale and tired with black and purple rings under my eyes from the lack of real sleep but except for that no one would ever know what happened. I hurried downstairs to check if my parents were there and almost lost my balance. I decided to take it slow and walked into the kitchen to find both my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table enjoying breakfast.

"Hi mom, hi dad! I almost shouted with relief as I saw them sitting there.

"Hi honey" they both said at the same time which caused them to laugh. I sat down at the table with them and threw myself a glass of orange juice knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep more then that down with the way I was feeling.

"Where were you last night?" I asked the both of them. They looked confused by my question, my dad shrugged his shoulders waiting for my mom to answer.

"We were right here at home, why?"

"I had a nightmare and kind of screamed myself awake, didn't you hear me?"

"No we didn't hear anything, are you ok? You look a bit pale?" my dad asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep to good that's all" I answered and left for school cutting the conversation short. I didn't feel like answering anymore questions, nothing made sense anymore.

I arrived at school with a few minutes to spare but headed straight for class still feeling lightheaded. My first few classes went by slowly and I almost fell asleep a few times. Abby and Jenny talked a lot but I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying and instead of meeting them at our usual lunch table I went to the school library to do some research.

The school library was big but didn't really stock the kind of books I was looking for so after school I went to our town library which had almost every book you could think of.

I found a load of books about vampires and witches and sat down at a table looking through every one of them trying to figure out what was going on and what it had to do with me. I read through all of the books but there were so many different opinions of what happens when a vampire bites you that it didn't really help much, it just confused me more.

I gave up on the books and switched on one of the computers to check if I could find any information on Virgil. I ran a search in the library's archives for his name but it came up empty so I ran a search on old farm houses in the eighteen hundreds which gave me so many results I thought I'd never get through them all but half way through I saw a headline that caught my attention.


I clicked on it and couldn't believe what I saw. It was the same farmhouse as the one in the photo of my grandma and Virgil. I read through the article hoping to find something that could help me but I came up empty handed again except for an address. Apparently some of the locals it the town got suspicious about what was going on at old Mr. Burks's farm. They claimed that Mr. Burks held satanic rituals and that he kept company with witches and other inhuman creatures. One night the town's folk kept an eye on them from a distance and once everyone had gathered and entered the house they surrounded it. They barricaded all the doors and set it on fire. The house burned to the ground. There were no survivors but there were no bodies either.

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