Loving A Vampire Chapter 14

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This chapter gets a bit rough so consider yourself warned!

Loving A Vampire

Chapter 14

I wanted to make love with him too but I couldn't help feeling a bit nervous and scared. I've never even kissed somebody before I met Kaleb and I didn't know what to do or expect. My body went stiff and Kaleb must have realized what was going on.

"We don't have to if you're not ready" He whispered softly into my ear.

"No, I want to, I'm just nervous I guess" I replied.

"You don't have to be afraid Chelsea"

"I know" I answered turning around in his arms and looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

He just stood there holding me in his arm waiting for me to relax. I leaned forward so that out faces was just inches apart, I could smell his intoxicating breath and just being so close to him sent shivers of pleasure through my body. I wanted him more than I've ever wanted anything and I knew he felt the same way about me. I leaned forward pressing my lips gently against his showing him that I was ready. The moment my lips touched his all of my fears disappeared.

He kissed me back soft and gentle at first but then he started kissing me harder and with more passion. This kiss was not like the kisses we have shared before, he was holding back before but not this time. He was kissing me with every ounce of emotion he had and it was extraordinary. Even though I've never kissed a human before I somehow knew that it wouldn't feel anything like this.I could feel the love and the lust in every kiss, it was completely amazing.

His hands started moving slowly up and down my back causing my whole body to shiver. I slipped my hands under his shirt placing them on his sides and slowly moved them up to his chest. I heard him gasp when my hands touched him and I was glad that he was enjoying this as much as I was. I was feeling brave so I grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

I let his shirt fall to the floor as I felt his hand pulling down the zipper on the back of my dress. My dress fell to the floor and I was left standing in my lacy black underwear. Kaleb looked at me like I was the most gorgeous person on earth and then his lips was on mine again. The touch of his hands on my body was electrifying. I started loosening his belt and then the button on the top of his black jeans as he placed kisses down my neck and then gently turned me around so that I was standing with my back to him

I felt his body pressing against mine as he moved my hair to the side and started kissing the back of my neck. Shivers of pleasure ran through my body as his hands moved up and down the side of my body caressing me, then I felt his hands move the middle of my back and unclip my bra. He placed kisses all over my back, shoulder and chest as he slowly made his way back to face me.

He started kissing and licking my neck again but this time he didn't stop when he got to my chest he kept on placing kisses down my body as he knelt down in front of me. He tugged at the edge of my underwear with his teeth giving me a playful grin then he slowly slid them down my legs.

He stood up picking me up into his arms and carried me to the bed. He laid me down in the middle of it and then he moved so quickly I wasn't sure what he was doing until I saw that he had removed his pants and shoes. He laid down on top of me kissing me and holding on to my body.

He was driving me crazy with pleasure and when he finally entered me it was pure ecstasy. We made love and it was better than I could have ever imagined, it was incredible, it was amazing.

When we were done I laid In Kaleb's arms feeling like I was in my own personal heaven.

"Are you ready?" Kaleb asked softly, and I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Yes" I answered without any hesitation.

He moved his chest from under me and positioned himself so that he was laying half way on top of me holding himself up with one of his arms.

"I love you Chelsea" He said as he moved so that his mouth was on my neck.

"I love you too" I replied feeling his fangs puncture my skin as he started to drink my blood. I could feel my blood draining from my body but instead of pain or fear I felt the most incredible sensation.

It was pure pleasure instead of agony, I couldn't believe it could feel so good being fed on but it did so I just laid there in complete bliss as Kaleb drank my blood. I was starting to feel dizzy and light headed from the blood loss. Kaleb must have sensed this because he stopped drinking and removed his fangs from my neck.

Kaleb sat up beside me bringing his wrist up to his mouth and bit down hard on it, I could see blood starting to run from the wound and then he moved his arm so that his wrist was at my mouth.

"Drink as much as you can, the more you drink the easier and quicker the change will be".

I didn't particularly feel like drinking blood but I knew this is what I wanted so I opened my mouth placing it over the wound on his wrist and started sucking.

I thought it would taste horrible but instead Kaleb's blood was delicious. I sucked harder and felt my body going ice cold from the inside out as his blood spread through my veins. I could feel my body changing while I was drinking, my hearth started beating faster and faster with every sip I took until it stopped completely. Kaleb removed his wrist from my hand and I saw the wound heal as soon as I wasn't drinking from it anymore.

'How do you feel?" Kaleb asked looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Strange" I answered and then everything went black.

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