Loving A Vampire Chapter 21

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 21

"Outside?" I questioned not wanting to believe it.

"Yes, I'm going to see what he wants" Kaleb replied walking over to the door.

"No! Don't open it!" I yelled running after him.

"It's ok, he can't get past the spell".

"Please don't" I begged. Just hearing Virgil's name scared the crap out of me and I wasn't sure if I could face him.

"We need to find out what his up to Chelsea, I won't let him hurt you, I promise" Kaleb said pushing open the Crypt door.

I looked out into the early morning air at the trees and graves surrounding us wondering where Virgil was. All of a sudden he appeared out of nowhere standing a few feet away from us. He looked really angry but didn't dare come any closer. I could see movement and shapes lurking in the distance but was more concerned about being so close to Virgil.

"What do you want?" Kaleb hissed at Virgil barely able to contain his anger.

"I want a lot of things but at the moment I'll settle for Chelsea" Virgil replied smiling an evil smile at me.

"That's never going to happen so just forget about it!" I interrupted feeling anger taking over my body. Who does he think he is saying that he wants me like I'm some kind of toy or something.

"She's right, that's never going to happen Virgil so why don't you just go back to wherever you came from and leave us alone". Kaleb said pulling me closer to him and causing me to smile a sadistic smile at Virgil. His face changed from anger to pure hatred as I did this, he tried taking a step closer but there was an invisible wall keeping him out.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get what I want, I haven't waited so long just to give up. I'll wait forever if I have too, both of you will get week and you will need to feed, you'll leave the Crypt sooner or later and then I'll get you". Virgil said glaring at us as he took a few steps back and sat down against a tree.

"Don't bet on it" Kaleb breathed as he slammed the door shut.

"What do we do now?" I asked knowing that Virgil was right, we'll have to leave the Crypt sooner or later.

"The only thing we can do, we have to kill him" Kaleb answered looking deep in thought and that's when I remembered that Virgil could hear everything we were saying. We couldn't let him know what we were planning so I ran over to my bag and took out a piece of paper and pen.

"We shouldn't talk, Virgil can hear us" I wrote on the paper and handed it to Kaleb. He quickly read what I had written and gave me a huge smile as he crumbled the paper and threw it to the floor.

"He can't hear us, the spell is to strong, he can only feel our presence but that's it"

"Oh... ok" I said still amazed at how strong my spell was.

I walked over and sat down on the bed wondering how we were going to get rid of Virgil. I know Kaleb said that we must kill him but I wasn't quite sure how we would get that right. Kaleb sat down on the bed next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Everything will be ok" He whispered softly into my ear as he gently kissed me on my lips. We sat there for hours trying to figure out why Virgil wanted me so badly and how we were going to get rid of him. Eventually we came up with a plan that both of us thought might work.

Kaleb wasn't really happy about me being involved, he wanted me to stay in the Crypt while he killed Virgil but finally gave in when he realized I was right. The forms that were lurking in the graveyard were Vampires and from what I could make out there was quite a few of them, twenty maybe thirty. They were Virgil's slaves that he had created over the years, we could feel that they weren't very strong but they could still be very dangerous in numbers.

Virgil wanted me really badly, I wasn't sure why but I figured that we could use it to our advantage. He wanted me at his side like he said in my dream so I figured he wasn't going to kill me unless he had no other choice.

I was going to do a spell on Kaleb making him immune to all my spells but he was going to pretend to be passed out and I am going to tell Virgil that I put a sleeping spell on him. I don't think Virgil will believe me but I'm sure he will give me a chance if I could prove my loyalty to him so then I am going to do another spell. This one will be so that Kaleb can't leave the Crypt but of course he will be able to because of my earlier spell.

I am going to tell Virgil that I wanted to talk to him in private and ask him to send away the other Vampires so that they don't hear us, then when their far enough away Kaleb will escape from the Crypt and we will kill Virgil. The other Vampires might try to attack us but as long as Virgil was gone we should be able to take care of them easily.

I was also planning on getting some answers from Virgil as to what exactly was going on and why he was doing what he was doing, it just didn't make sense.

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