Loving A Vampire Chapter 2

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 2

It was the same figure from my dreams, only now I could see him completely, I will recognize him anywhere with his snow white hair and pale skin. I keep on staring into my rearview mirror, into his hypnotic eyes.

I must have sat like that for almost a minute before I could force myself to look away from him. I closed my eyes resting my head on the steering wheel. He isn't real I told myself. I counted to five and opened my eyes. I slowly looked up into the mirror, he was gone. I didn't wait any longer and I sure as hell didn't check any of my mirrors again.

I drove home breaking every speed limit and road rule that was ever created. It should have taken me at least fifteen minutes to get home but I made it in about five. I parked my car in the driveway and jumped out, as I closed my door something in the backseat caught my attention. A single black rose. I opened the door again and picked up the rose pricking my finger with a thorn. I reached over with my other hand to wipe away the blood but before I could it dissolved into the rose.

"Hi honey, you were gone for a while, where did go?" I heard my mom calling from the door.

"Just driving around, I really love my car". I told my mom hiding the rose behind my back. I went inside and told my mom and dad that I was really tired and was going to bed. Once I was in my room I locked my door and laid down on my bed exhausted and confused by all that had happened.

I sat up and looked at the black rose, I was still holding it in my hands. For some strange reason I couldn't get myself to throw it away, I felt kind of attached to it.

I held up the rose and inhaled its scent, it smelled like nothing I have ever smelled before in my life. My head started spinning and I laid back on my bed in a daze.

I fell asleep still holding my black rose. I woke up the next morning feeling stressed, confused and a little bit scared. I went downstairs and fixed myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. I sat down at the table and ate while trying to remember the dream I had last night. The dream was the same one I had every night except this time his eyes weren't blurry, he stared right at me with the same piercing blue eyes I saw last night in my car. I am sure he was trying to tell me something but as soon as he started to speak my dream got all mixed up and I started seeing visions of my grandma and the graveyard. Her voice was so loud in my head telling me the same thing as last night "Don't look Chelsea, don't look". The only thing I can remember hearing him say clearly through all the noise was "Find me".

"Hi honey" I heard my mom say as she sat down next to me.

"Hi mom" I replied still very deep in thought.

"So how does it feel being sixteen?"


My mom laughed at my answer and told me that if I think being sixteen feels strange I should wait till I'm forty five.

I couldn't help smiling at this as I headed upstairs to get ready for school.

I drove to school in my new car and found an open parking space, as I pulled in Jenny and Abby spotted me and headed over to check out my new car. I have been friends with the two of them since primary school.

We headed to our first period class still talking about my new car when I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oops, sorry" I apologized as I regained my balance and looked up to see who I bumped into.

"No problem, I should watch were I'm going, it's just that I'm new here and don't really know my way around".

"I'll show you around" Jenny offered, flirting openly.

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