Loving A Vampire Chapte 23

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 23

I knew it wouldn't be long before Kaleb burst out of the Crypt and killed Virgil so I decided to get whatever answers I could

"What do you want to talk about?" Virgil asked starting to walk away from the Crypt and further into the trees that surrounded it.

"I want to know everything. I want to know what my Grandma had to do with this and why you want me so badly and why you hate Kaleb so much" I replied following him. I was scared as hell of him but I knew he wasn't going to do anything to me right now.

"You're Grandma gave me something to give to you, she told me I'd know when the time was right". Virgil said closing he's eyes. He disappeared into the night but reappeared within a split second holding a book

"What is it?" I asked.

"It holds all the answers you seek" He replied handing the book to me. I was hesitant but took it, I really did want to know what was going on.

"It's blank" I stated as I flipped through the pages of the book.

"All the answers you want is in that book, you're Grandma gave it to me right before she died. You just have to ask and it will answer you" Virgil explained. I wasn't quite sure how this whole thing was supposed to work but figured I might as well ask and find out.

"Why do you hate Kaleb so much?" I asked looking at the book. At first nothing happened but then the wind picked up and started howling, leaves were blowing around and the clear night sky became cloudy as I heard thunder in the distance. This freaked me out completely, it reminded me of the nightmares I used to have.

I pulled my attention away from the storm and looked down at the book as I saw an answer appearing on the blank page, it looked like it was written in blood.

Because he wants to stop us

"Stop you from doing what?" I asked and watched as the next answer appeared.

From ruling the world.

"What do you mean by ruling the world? What is it that you want?"

Me and Virgil has been working together for a long time, I promised you to him when you were born. It was said that if a true witch were ever changed into a vampire that they would be unstoppable. I want you to be with Virgil, I want you to help him take over the world. You will have everything you've ever dreamed of, nobody would be able to stop you.

"This is crazy!" I yelled throwing the book to the ground. I heard a hiss escape Virgil's throat and looked up to see him jumping right at me. I would have been able to move out of his way in time but I didn't have to. Kaleb appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Virgil right out of the air. He threw him to the ground and I watched as the earth trembled from the impact.

"What took you so long?" I asked him with a huge smile on my face.

"I wanted to know the answers too" He replied picking Virgil up and smashing him into a tree. The tree split in half and fell to the floor.

"I think I have enough answers to know I don't want any part in what they were planning, lets get rid of him" I said running over to where Virgil was lying on the ground.

He tried getting up but Kaleb put he's foot on his chest and pressed down hard. I could see how much pain this caused Virgil but I didn't care, he deserved it.

"How do we kill him?" I questioned looking up at Kaleb.

"Well I've been thinking and came to the conclusion that by killing him we would be doing him a favor, I think we should bind him instead, there will be no way he could ever get out, it will be an eternity of suffering for him" Kaleb answered.

"What if he somehow got out?" I asked. I knew I could bind him but I was scared that he would somehow find his way out.

"He won't be able to. You're Grandma only had one kid and that was you're mom who is clearly not a witch and you don't have any siblings. You can't have children now that you are a vampire so you are the only one who could free him and I know you're not going to do that" Kaleb answered my question smiling evilly at Virgil, I suppose he had the right to, he was finally going to get he's revenge.

"Ok" I agreed taking Kaleb's hand and imagined the grave at the old farmhouse.

We appeared right next to the grave with Kaleb still pressing Virgil to the ground. He picked him up and I could see that Virgil was struggling but was no match for Kaleb.

Kaleb threw him into the grave and quickly started filling it up with sand.

"Please Chelsea.... Please don't do it" He begged but it was too late. When the grave was filled up I did the spell that would bind him to the grave for eternity.

"Why didn't he just disappear or try to climb out of the grave?" I asked feeling confused that it was so easy.

"Because of you" Kaleb answered walking over to me and pulling me into his arms.

"What do you mean?" I questioned not understanding.

"You didn't want him to escape so he couldn't, he tried to teleport but he couldn't, he's power's are nothing compared to yours. He couldn't use any of his powers to defend himself because you are so powerful, I didn't know you were that powerful but it looks like you can make something happen or stop it from happening by just wanting it" Kaleb answered looking at me with pure amazement in his eyes. I didn't know what to say to this, I suppose it was going to take a while to get used to all my new powers and my new life but I knew I would never regret it because I get to be with Kaleb.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Whatever we want to" Kaleb replied pressing his lips against mine and kissing me passionately.


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