Loving A Vampire Chapter 8

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 8

He approached me slowly crouching right in front of me. I could feel my heart beating faster and a chill ran through my body.

"Hi Chelsea"

"Hi" I whispered back still not believing that he was really there with me.

"You saved me" He said looking at me with amazement in his eyes.

"Yea, I guess I did" I replied feeling like a complete idiot, couldn't I think of anything better to say? He smiled his gorgeous smile at me as he took my hand in his. His touch was electrifying, I breathed in deeply trying not to hyperventilate as goose bumps broke out over my entire body.

He slowly lifting my arm to his mouth and ran his tongue over the wound on my wrist. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my body stiffen. For a second I thought he was going to drink my blood. I probably would have let him but then I saw what he was really doing. He was healing me, the blood disappeared and the cut healed right in front of my eyes. I was truly amazed and shocked at the same time

He must have mistaken my shock as me being scared because he softly dropped my hand and backed away a few paces.

"Thank you" I said examining my wrist that was now completely healed.

"No, thank you Chelsea, I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you, I really appreciate what you have done for me. I will never be able to make it up to you even if I live forever". Kaleb's word's shocked me back into reality, I knew he was a vampire but I've been so busy trying to find and rescue him that I never thought much about his age.

"I bet you've got a lot of questions and I would be glad to answer them all" He said as if he knew what I was thinking.

"But first I have to feed, it is dangerous for me to be around you in the state that I am in"

"When will you come back?" I asked not wanting him to go, I just found him, I couldn't bare loosing him already.

"Soon, I promise" Kaleb said and disappeared into the night.

I sat their staring into space with a thousand questions running through my head. Would he really come back now that he was free? How long will he stay? And what happened to Virgil? As the last though ran through my head I jumped up and ran to my car. If Virgil was somewhere around here I didn't feel like sticking around and facing him again. I drove home trying to concentrate on the road and where I was going but all I could think about was Kaleb.

Luckily I made it home in one piece and was happy when I saw nobody was at home. I don't know how I would have explained my muddy clothes to them. I found a note stuck to the fridge saying that my parents went out for dinner and that I should order myself pizza or whatever I wanted. I didn't feel like eating so I headed upstairs to clean up the mess in my room and take a long shower.

I walked into my room and was amazed at what I saw. Everything was in place and the walls were clean, it was as if nothing ever happened except for a single black rose lying on my bed. I couldn't help smiling as I pictured Kaleb in my room but then other thoughts of Kaleb and me started playing out in my head and I decided to take that shower before I got too carried away.

When I was done I put on pajama pants and a tank top and went to go sit on my bed. I picked up the rose and inhaled its scent and just like the first time it made me dizzy. I laid back on my bed and couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss Kaleb. I know it is crazy having thoughts like this. Firstly he is a vampire and I am only human, why would he ever even think of kissing me and secondly I barely knew him. I tried pushing the thoughts out of my head but they just became stronger.

I fell asleep still thinking about him and again I dreamt of him but this time it wasn't a nightmare. We were standing in a field filled with black roses and Kaleb was holding me in his arms.

"Soon we will be together my love" he whispered into my ear and then slowly he touched his lips to mine.

I woke up breathing deeply and my heart pounding. This definitely wasn't a nightmare it was exactly what I wanted. I traced my lips with my finger and was happy to feel that they were icy cold just like when he touched my hand earlier.

I checked my alarm clock and saw that it was six in the morning, usually I sleep in on Sundays but I felt wide awake so I got up took a long shower and got dressed. I headed downstairs and fixed myself some breakfast.

My mom entered the kitchen and started preparing a roast, we were going to have a family lunch today, I almost forgot with everything that's been going on lately.

"Morning sweetie" my mom said as she started chopping veggies.

"Morning mom"

"Don't forget about lunch today, the whole family is coming over".

Great just what I needed, I got along with my parents but didn't feel like spending the whole afternoon with the family.

"I won't forget" I said as I washed my plate and left the kitchen.

I went upstairs and laid down on my bed listening to music and waiting for Kaleb. He promised he would be back soon but I was starting to get inpatient. By the time my family started arriving and I had to go downstairs to join them for lunch I was really worried that he wasn't going to show up.

Lunch was ok, the food was delicious and everybody was really friendly but I just couldn't get myself to join in. I answered questions and smiled a lot but my mind was somewhere else.

It was after seven when the last people left and I was relieved that I could go back upstairs. I sat down on my bed waiting and wondering. Would he come through my window or will he just appear like Virgil always did? It was starting to get really late and I was beginning to loose hope that he was going to show up when I heard a knock at my window.

I jumped off of my bed and ran to the window pulling the curtains aside and there he was. He was sitting on the window sill looking as gorgeous as ever. I opened the window without hesitation.

"Hi" I said not really knowing what to say to this God like creature in front of me.

"Hi" He replied as the corner of his mouth turned up into a smile. Just his smile caused a rush of blood through my body and I could feel myself blushing.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Kaleb asked obviously teasing me.

"Yes, come in please". I stepped out of his way so that he could climb through the window.

I didn't get a good look at his clothes when he was sitting on the window sill, but now that he was standing right in front of me I noticed that his clothes were torn and stained with blood.

"Oh my God! Are you ok?" I asked grabbing his arm. Touching him sent a rush of pleasure through my body and I had to force myself to concentrate on what was going on.

"I'm ok, thanks to you" Kaleb replied as he gently ran his finger down my cheek. His touch felt so incredible that my whole body felt alive with energy.

"But you're shirt is full of blood" I whispered trying to keep my breathing even but failing miserable.

"I told you I needed to feed" He replied as he moved closer, his lips almost touching mine.

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