Loving A Vampire Chapter 17

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 17

We made love again only stopping when we were so tired we couldn't go on and fell asleep. I woke up feeling refreshed and completely happy, my life was perfect, I couldn't ask for anything more then what I had.

"Hi' Kaleb said sitting up next to me and kissing me on my cheek.

"Hi" I replied as I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him in a loving hug.

"Are you thirsty?" Kaleb asked.

"No, not yet"

"You are truly amazing"

"Why, what did I do?" I asked curiously.

"It's everything, usually a newborn vampire is thirsty all the time and completely unpredictable, they get very distracted with all their new senses but you have been handling everything so incredibly good"

"Why do you think that is?"

"I'm not completely sure but I think it might have something to do with you being a witch in you previous life. I think it somehow made you a more powerful vampire".

"Wow, I didn't even think of that, do you think I'm still a witch as well?"

"I really don't know" Kaleb answered looking deep in thought.

I didn't know either but I had to find out somehow, I wanted to know how powerful I really am. I sat there wondering for a while and then I got a brilliant idea. I had brought the book of spells with me and I was sure there had to be some spell in there that I could try to do to see if I was still a witch.

"I've got an idea" I said getting up from the bed.

"What?" Kaleb asked intrigued.

"We are going to find out if I am still a witch" I said as Kaleb got up from the bed and followed me to my back pack where I took out the book and handed it to him.

"Find one that looks easy" I told him while I got dressed in some new clean clothes. Kaleb opened the book on a page and handed it to me. I started reading while he changed his clothes as well.

The spell he chose sounded easy and harmless enough. It was a levitating spell, I didn't need any candles on special objects. I just had to chant the words silently in my head and concentrate really hard. It sounded really simple but I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

"So what do you think? Do you want to try it?" Kaleb asked as he came to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around me looking at the book over my shoulder.

"Yes, I'm just a bit nervous, I've never tried doing any spells before except when I undid the binding spell, I'm not sure if I can do it" I said honestly.

"It's ok if you can't just give it a try and see what happens" Kaleb said encouraging me.

I read the words of the spell once more to make sure I remember them and handed the book back to Kaleb. I took a few steps away from him unsure of how this worked and closed my eyes. I concentrated really hard picturing myself lifting off of the ground and repeated the words of the spell over and over in my head. I felt my body starting to feel lighter and lighter as I did this and almost freaked out but managed to keep control. I wanted this to work and freaking out wasn't going to help me in any way.

I stood like this for a few more seconds and then I opened my eyes. I was floating in the air above Kaleb, I looked down and saw Kaleb looking at me with amazement in his eyes. That's when I stopped concentrating and fell down on the floor with a loud thud. I was so happy to see Kaleb looking at me like that and I felt so proud of myself for actually getting it right that I forgot that I was supposed to be concentrating on levitating.

"Are you ok?" Kaleb asked crouching down beside me.

"I'm great!" I said still happy about what I just did.

"Are you sure? You hit the ground pretty hard? He looked really concerned so I concentrated on how my body was feeling for a few seconds to see if I really was ok.

"Yip, I'm fine. I want to try it again" I said jumping up from where I was sitting on the floor.

"Ok, entertain me" Kaleb said sitting down on the bed and watching me like I was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

I closed my eyes again and started saying the words to the spell. This time it didn't take so long, within a few seconds I could feel that I was floating in the air. I opened my eyes reminding myself to stay calm and keep concentrating or I'm going to hit the ground again. I looked around the room taking in how it looked from above and decided that I was going to try to fly, I mean if I can levitate why can't I fly? I pictured myself flying to the opposite side of the room and before the thought was over I crashed into the wall causing little pieces of stone to fall from the Crypt's walls.

Kaleb ran over to me concerned that I might have hurt myself but I assured him I was fine. I was better than fine, this was amazing, not only am I a vampire but I am a witch with really strong powers.

"Wow, I just thought about flying to this side of the room and then I was already crashing into the wall!" I said excitedly.

"I think your witch powers have become stronger when you changed, I've seen witches fly before but never so fast you should really be careful, you are extremely strong".

"Ok, I'll try, but right now I want to see what else I can do" I said getting up from the floor and rushing over to look in the book of spells.

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