Loving A Vampire Chapter 20

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 20

I kissed him back and then I sat up and put my shirt back on. Kaleb looked at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"I'll feel much safer once we've done the spell" I said grabbing the book he was looking in earlier.

"Ok, let's do it" Kaleb agreed starting to gather jars.

"It sounds easy enough" I said after reading the spell

"It is, and after it is done nobody including Virgil will be able to enter our Crypt unless you invite them in"

"Trust me that is not going to happen" I replied getting up from the bed.

The spell required me to scatter the ashes of human bones around the entire area I wanted protected. After the ashes were scattered I had to pour a strange liquid over it, the liquid was a luminous blue color and was called Hell's Fire. It is made from some rock that could only be found at the deepest depths of the ocean and when mixed with human bones it becomes flammable. I scattered the ashes around the entire inside of the Crypt and then poured the liquid over it. The last ingredient was my blood. I wanted the wound to heal quickly so instead of biting through my flesh I cut my wrist and let five drops fall on top of the ashes at the entrance as the spell told me to do.

The trick was that only a real witch could perform this spell because the liquid won't burn if it is lit by a match or candle it had to be lit by the powers of the witch's mind. I've never tried starting a fire with my mind so I was a bit nervous but sure that I could do it. I sat down on the bed with Kaleb and closed my eyes. I concentrated on the ashes the liquid and my blood willing it to catch fire with my mind.

It didn't take long until I heard the sound of something catching fire and opened my eyes. The fire had started at the entrance and was quickly making its' way around the room. The flames were a luminous blue color just like the liquid, it was incredible beautiful. The fire was controlled and only moved along the circle of ashes around the room.

Soon we were surrounded by fire and at the moment when the entire circle was alight there was a small explosion and the flames shot up in the air growing taller until they reached the roof. The flames burnt wildly for a few seconds and then they started fading until they disappeared completely.

"Wow!" Was all I could say.

"Tell me about it, you are truly incredible" Kaleb said getting up from the bed and walking to the entrance of the Crypt.

"If you keep on saying that I might just start believing you" I joked as I followed him.

"It's the truth, there has never been somebody like you before. You are the first Vampire Witch that has ever walked this earth".

"Really?" I asked intrigued by his comment.

"Yes" He said bending down and inspecting the floor.


"I'm not sure but I've heard rumors over the years that if somebody like you ever existed you would be unstoppable, I think the Vampires were too afraid that it would be true and my kind is greedy. Vampires wouldn't create a creature that they thought could be more powerful then them".

"But you did" I pointed out.

"Firstly I didn't know if the rumors were true and secondly I'm not like most Vampires. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it doesn't matter if you are more powerful then me as long as I get to be with you I am happy".

"Then you will be happy forever because I'm not going anywhere" I replied beding down next to him to see what he was looking at. There was a symbol engraved on the Crypts floor, I recognized it from the book of spell but wasn't sure of its meaning.

"What does it mean?" I asked tracing it with my finger.

"It is the sign that resembles protection and safety, the spell worked" Kaleb said smiling at me.

"So Virgil won't be able to come in now"

"No he won't, there will be like an invisible wall keeping him out, we'll be safe as long as we are inside the Crypt" He replied getting up and scooping me up into his arms.

"Good, now we can get back to more important things" I joked pressing my lips to his

"What exactly would that be?" Kaleb asked playing along.

"Well I was kind of thinking along the lines of you and me naked in bed"

Kaleb moved so fast that within less then a second our clothes were off and we were laying on the bed. I chuckled at his playfulness and wrapped him up in my arms. We made love until we were so exhausted that both of us fell asleep.

I had a nightmare again. I was in the graveyard sitting at my Grandmother's grave like I always used to do before. The sun was shining and I was telling her about my day, everything seemed ok but then the sun changed into the moon and the daylight surrounding me gave way to darkness. I saw the sand starting to give way from my Grandmothers grave and then a bony hand grabbed my leg.

I jumped up before the hand could get a grip on me and took a few steps back as my Grandma climbed out of her grave. She didn't look like I remember her. Her body was just bones covered with rotting flesh and her eyes had an evil gleam in them.

"I miss you Chelsea, won't you please come visit me?" She asked me in her creepy voice and extended her hand in my direction so that I could take it. There was no way I was touching her even if it was just a dream.

"No, I'm never visiting you ever again! Just leave me alone!" I shouted at her. She leaped forward and I could see her features changing and turning into Virgil. Luckily I had my Vampire senses in my dream and I jumped out of the way before he could grab me and started running towards the Crypt where I knew I would be safe.

I woke up to Kaleb jumping out of bed as a loud hissing sound escaped his throat.

"What's wrong?" I asked scanning the room.

"Virgil" Kaleb replied looking over at me.

"What about him?"

"His outside"

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