1.Il était une fois

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1.Once upon a time.

She was his.

And he was hers.

And this was their world.
-Michael Grant-


"What do you think? Doesn't it hurt to die?" You asked me staring at the sky. Your lips were chapped and ruby. Why the random question?

If living like this meant dying, then yes, it hurts to die. I just shrugged because in your eyes, I was as much as alive. And then you smiled ans brushed it off. The topic of death wasn't in your best interest. You had your life reflect your name by doing whatever you felt like. By connecting yourself with a nobody,me. You had everything a girl wishes for , beauty, perfection, brains and money but you chose me and our simple life. Every needle that's meant to heal me is causing me more pain. I wish I could change that but I've got less time with me.

"Trace, come here." You patted the spot next to you. I laid down beside you letting the damp grass tickle my ear lobes facing the endless dark sky. "Why're you scared?" You Inquired. Scared? Hell. I was terrified. I sat up shaking my head wrapping my arms around my knees. You cloned my gesture and sighed.
"You're thinking too much,you know ? I am not dying, Trace. I'm just having a vitamin B deficiency if that's easier for you to understand." you remarked, a dry laugh escaped your lips and I looked at you.

The moonlight polished your features. Your porcelain skin shined and your iris were glistening. A sharp pain pressured in me, but I held back the urge to express. You're right, you're not dying, Liberty. I am. "Let's go, " I mumbled.

You nodded in agreement and we rose up. The walk to our place was quiet. Silence blanketed us, but you always managed to tear through it. Your eyes spotted a shopping cart and you ran towards it and jumped inside. I laughed at your actions and took short steps to you with my hands buried in my pockets . You always liked riding in these. I clutched my arms on the handle and pushed the trolley in speed, running along. You put your hands up in the air and hooted. For that moment I forgot what pain felt like. All I knew was your laugh that kept my heart beating and your presence that kept my body warm.

My knees got weak from all the running. I pushed the cart further and I crashed on the floor wheezing. You rushed to hold me and pulled out my inhaler from your pocket. You always carried one even though I had mine. Guilt slashed over your face and your eyes screamed their apology. You rose up pulling me. You always had your pride and you never apologized even once since we met, and that was 7 years ago.

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