8.Toute la nuit

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                             8.All night long.

"Close your eyes and
see the masterpiece."
The sign said as it was

hanging from a blank board.
I closed my eyes,

and saw you.
-Infinite excerpts-


I felt the blood pumping vigorously in my veins, maybe it's the anxiety taking its place. You're sitting right in front of me, battling with your mind if you wanted salad or tortellini. And I felt as if the walls were collapsing on me making it hard for me to breathe.

I gulped down my glass of water, letting the chill seep through my thorny throat. If I finally told you today, I'd let you cry yourself to sleep, but if I told you tomorrow,it'd be the same. Why is it so hard, Liberty? Wh
y can't I just spit it out and get over with it?

After chatting about your day and what you'd done, you finally fell asleep. Its almost 4am and I'm wide awake. I turned to your side witnessing the nature's light shining through our window that contoured your adorable features. Your ruddy bud lips slightly ajar under your straight yet concave nose. Your thick groomed brows, let loose, no frowning or creasing.

I had this itch in my heart that wanted to  wake you up and provoke you into chatting about something you loved, like the owls, irises, the world or maybe me too. I was in need of comfort in your ally. This reminds me of the poem I once wrote for you years ago which is probably crumpled into some boxes under our bed.

"I've fumbled in eclipse
But revived in your flame,
The nights were not complete
Without you in my head ,
You have my heart in knots
None of them you've stumbled upon ,
Although you lived in there
You always had your ways,
In the days of my downfall
I run down looking for you ,
Knowing just how much
Your voice is my cure"

I hadn't realized for how long I'd been staring at your face until your annoying alarm blasted, poking holes into the silence that covered us. I winced at the sound of the bell and reached for it over you trying not to wake you up, but I think I wasn't fast enough for you already woke up.

"What are you doing?" You inquired gruffly , rubbing your eyes,confusion clouded your face. It was very unusual for me to be awake before you. You rested on your elbows trying to scan my flushed face. "Trace, are you feeling alright?" You asked, placing your young hand on my cheek. I nodded and kissed on palm. You frowned back at me wondering why I was acting all weird.

"Go back to sleep, doc's appointment isn't till 3 hours from now." You convinced padding towards the washroom. I sunk my head under the sheets praying for some sleep and I faded away with the sound of the shower. Just few days more are left for me until then I want to relish every hour.

I was woken by my phone echoing. meaning I was alone. I took your note that read "running late, -love you-" I grunted struggling for freedom from the thick sheets and dragged myself to the shower. The note was enough for me to understand to get my early meal from a drive through. And since it was cold outside I bought a hot chocolate and muffin to go and called you.

"Lemme guess,hot chocolate and egg muffin?" You proudly stated more than asking, answering my call . I smiled hearing your voice. "Oh, you know me so well. But it's chocolate chip muffin." I replied dramatically earning a laugh from the other side.

"So what did you have ?" I inquired. There was silence for a while and I frowned. "M&ms" I sighed rubbing my face in frustration. "Hey,they're tasty and I'm full now, okay?" You defended. "And,Cora brought these amazing wraps,I just took a bite and I'll be having that during bre-" I waited for you to complete drumming my fingers on the steering wheel.
"Hey trace, I gotta go."

"Trace, you are aware that your FEV1 is very less and you shouldn't involve yourself in physical activities." Doctor Shire filled me in. "Your symptoms are serious, it's weird how Liberty hasn't noticed it yet. When are you going to tell her?" He inquired sounding sympathetic. I sighed, leaning back into the leather chair. "Soon doc." He shook his head in disappointment and blankly stated "8 am tomorrow." And exited the room with the reports.

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