5.Maintenant ou jamais

15 2 1

                         5.Now or never.

The clocks turned

                                                   and the earth spun.

Yet all was still to him,

                                                             With his eyes,

Fixed on her.


My doctor informed me that my dyspnea is getting worse, I'm having trouble in breathing, which cuts off my chances of survival. I've been struggling the whole day about how I'm going to tell you about it. You knew about my asthma, but what you didn't know was about my COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In simple words, my chopped lungs were sick and I was failing.

Today was dire and filled with melancholy as my melancholy soul. I mentally prepared my speech which I was going to speak to you. I prayed so much that I don't get weak in between seeing your face. The thought that you won't kiss me when you get home from work from tomorrow due to anger scares me. Will today be the last day of you loving me? Are you going to hate me for whatever I am going to tell you? I hate myself for keeping you in the dark about my illness, but I did not want to see you sad again.

"I'm home!" You yelled unlocking the door and setting your bags on the table. You took off the jacket that loosely hugged your body and hung it on the stand. Your voice got clearer as you entered the kitchen ranting about your manager. "Oh, what do we have here?" You teased, hugging me from the back. I managed to smile and kiss your cheek and got back to packing. "Be ready in 15, dress dark?" I requested. You complained about how you wanted to shower so I gave you a thirty.

I loaded our picnic basket and got back in the driver seat. The weather was confused, cool and cloudy. "Where're we going?" You whined after the 10th time I asked you to be patient. The truth was I had a knot in my throat and I couldn't speak more than 3 words without stuttering. You noticed us getting closer to the woods as the sun sank in. "Owling?" You grinned. I rolled my eyes smiling at you jumping in your seat dancing to the music.

We sat on a log in stealth mode gazing at the Owls we spotted. This patch of land preserves a lot of moments and memories. I brushed my hand on the letters we carved. It was right here when we officially became friends, where I first saw you crying, when I first asked you out, when I first received my black eye, that's a whole other story. Here is our getaway, our great escape.

You poked my shoulder, splitting me from my thoughts, I bit my tongue instead of asking you what because if I had done that you'd slap my mouth to shut me up. You pointed towards a tree and I followed you looking through the binoculars ,it was one of your favorite kind of owl, American horned owl. 

After the whole activity we sat in an open field nearby carpeted with lushly grass and flowers
We had our potato salad and sandwiches and your favorite brownies. "You're awfully quiet." You pointed. Your face was still lit up after seeing the owls and I felt like a horrible person who is going to ruin it. But it's either now or never.

Owl always love youWhere stories live. Discover now