(Ch. 3) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (aka High School King)

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Hey guys thanks for reading, voting and commenting =) Here's Chapter 3! Hope you enjoy it, also if you want to be included you can tell me and if you don't like something then not be afraid to say it I won't be mad (:


The house was filled with workers descending furniture and putting it inside the house. Ok stop...what the heck has happened in here? Last time I checked out this was my fully equipped best friend's house and I am 100% sure these people are not her family. I went to the closest guy and tapped his shoulder to ask what was going on.

"Excuse me, but what exactly is happening here?"

"What else? We're moving in...isn't it obvious?" He said in a superior tone while turning around. He had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes and was about 6 feet tall.

"Oh...don't you know what happened to the family who lived here?" I said my voice almost breaking imagining she had left without telling me goodbye!

"Like I care, I think they left for another country or something like that"

"Thanks" I said while turning around to leave, tears swelled in my eyes. She left, she left, she left! I repeated on and on. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"But why care about them? Just look at me, you're lucky enough for me to ask you to hang out with me while those workers finish their work" He said smirking. Ego much huh?

"Look, I couldn't care less about you so just leave me alone" I said, ugh! I can't believe he just said that. I turned without hearing his response and walked away.

So let me get this straight, my best friend is gone. Well that's not so bad, she only went to another continent...ok who I am kidding? This is the worst thing that could have happened to me! By the time I got home my face was drown in tears. All the memories we had together, when we were in preschool and I defended her from the rude boys and she helped me by telling the teacher it was both of us. Oh god I can't take this! I ran to my brother's room and entered without knocking, boy could I have been more wrong. He was sucking face with his girlfriend Alice, she had multicolor eyes and black medium-length hair, she was skinny with white skin.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I'm going to leave you guys alone" I said closing the door kind of disgusted.

I went to my room, took my Ipod, put it in shuffle and lied in my bed. The songs that played didn't help my mood, especially the one of "True Friend" by Miley Cyrus. That night I cried myself at sleep. The next morning I woke up my eyes were swollen and red and I looked horrible. I threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt with mi silver converse. At school...well let's just leave it like this, Matthew followed me all day apologizing and asking me to keep tutoring him,. The guy who moved in at Britt's house was a total jerk named Mark and because I rejected him he wants to make my life impossible (happily for me, my brother stepped in and now let's say he will never be in the "popular crowd" Ha take that jerk!). I'll just skip my "oh so depressed days" because I'm sure you will get bored of my routine of crying, listening to music and waiting for an answer to all my mails.


One month later on a rainy afternoon as I logged in my computer reading through mi mails, not really believing Brittany would have answered me. Guess what? She did answer! Here's her reply:

'Dear Friend:

I'm so so sorry to just leave without telling! I hope you'll forgive me but it was so suddenly. The following day I told you I was going to London, my mother woke me up and told me to get ready that we were leaving at that precise moment. I hadn't written to you before because my computer had a virus and just now they have fixed it. I'm doing ok...and I really miss you a lot! How are you doing?


Quickly I started to write down another mail:


Of course I forgive you it wasn't your fault! You're just ok? What's wrong? What has happened? Well lately there have been some troubles...You remember Matt? Well my brother told me that because of him he almost went to jail, can you believe it? And I can't stand the son of the family who moved where you used to live...I miss you too!


Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring and I went to answer the door. To my surprise Matthew was the one standing outside, I was going to close the door on his nose but he stopped it.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Please, please, please can you forgive me? I know what I did was a bad thing, but I changed ok? Forgive me...please!" He pleaded.

"Ugh fine, but that doesn't mean I'm back to tutoring you" I said giving in.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he said hugging me.

"Umm Ccan you release me?" I said, surprised that I felt butterflies in my stomach when he did that...I can't be falling for him...could I?

"Oh I'm sorry! It's just that...well..." he trailed off.

"Whatever. See you at school tomorrow then?"

"Sure!" He said smiling widely while walking away.

It had stopped raining and I told my mom I would go out on a walk and grabbed my coat with my phone and Ipod. I headed outside and felt the breeze on my hair, put my ear buds on and my Ipod on shuffle. I walked around an hour or so and decided to go home. I started to walk home and saw some strange guys dressed in black following me so I quickened the pace. Without noticing I cornered myself on a dark street with no way out. Now that's just great!

"Looks like the little girl has cornered herself" Said a black haired guy with brown eyes.

"Why are you scared? We won't hurt you" Said another with brown hair and black eyes.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted hoping someone would hear me.

"Don't dare you scream or we'll kill you!" threatened the third one with black hair and hazel eyes.

I turned my head back and surely enough there was a wall behind. So this is it? This is where I'm going to be murdered? Well if it's that way then they won't win without me fighting! As I was about to kick one in his "sensible part" someone said:

"Back off bastards!" it was a male voice. Oh no it couldn't be him!

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now