(Ch. 5) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (aka High School King)

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Here's the new chapter ^^ I hope you like it! Also if I get 5 comments and 10 votes I'll upload the next one tomorrow :P


Chapter 5

"Not as a girlfriend...just you know hang out" he explained hesitatingly. We had already arrived to school.

"Ooh...I'll think about it, ok?" I answered and just in time the bell rang. I turned and walked to my class without hearing his answer.

I'm not going to lie, I have been thinking of Matt all day. His black hair and gorgeous green eyes. But I can't go out on a date with him, it just wouldn't be right. If my brother finds out I'm going to be dead meat, on the other side, I don't know, he seems different from the other guys, even if it's just a little bit. The bell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I sighed, got up and went to my locker. When I opened it a bucket of roses almost fell off. I gasped, it was beautiful! Not to mention also my favorite kind of flower, they were white at the bottom and then became fuchsia at the top. The target read: "Say yes, please? Don't consider it a date, just friends trying to know each other" It had to be Matt, he is so cute! I smelled them and turned around just to find Matthew himself smiling at me.

"Do you like them?"

"I love them!"

"Glad you do"

"How did you know?" I asked curious.

"Know what?" he said playing the innocent.

"Oh come on! You know what" I said playfully smacking him.

"Ok ok no need to be aggressive! I just have my ways...so what do you say?"

"Hmm ok, but don't make me regret it" I said truly smiling.

"No need to worry" he said grinning and walking away.

"OMG!" someone squealed in my ear.

"Ouch, why are you so excited?" I complained to Christine.

"Who gave you those?" she asked excitedly ignoring my question.

"Someone" I said sticking my tongue and happily skipping to my next class.

"That's not fair! Tell me who"

"Nope" I said popping the p and entering the classroom.

"You know you'll have to tell me" she said walking to her classroom.

I knew I would have to tell her, but I love leaving her curious even if it's just for a few hours. My brother's girlfriend was in this class, Music, since Brittany left I have become really close to her. When she saw my face she immediately said:

"What happened?" she asked smiling.

"Long story, explain it later" I replied happily.

She nodded and I started listening to the teacher. The day ended quickly and before I knew it I was getting ready to go out. Matt said he would pick me up around 6. Just in cue the doorbell rang and I hurried down to get it.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"Okay sweetie, have fun!"

I opened the door and surely enough there was Matt grinning. I hugged him and went over to his car, he opened the door for me and then he went over to his side and got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see" he replied winking.

Matt POV

My alarm clock went off. With my head still buried in the pillows I thankfully found it and threw it out the window. Well, there it goes the third one of this week. Still half asleep I took a shower, dressed and went down to eat breakfast. While I was walking to school I saw Samantha ahead of me and quickened my pace to reach her.

"Hey!" I said

"Oh, hello!"

"What's up?" I asked

"Not much just clearing my thoughts, you?" I wonder what she was thinking about.

"Same, umm I was wondering if..." This is step three of my plan I hope it goes good.

"I could tutor you?" she said trying to guess.

"Uh yeah, that's it...umm sure" Well maybe I'll continue with the tutoring part.

"Why do you need it anyways? You seem smart to me" She asked. It seems like she already guess I didn't really need her classes.

"Well actually I don't need them..." I said the truth

"I don't get it, if it was to piss my brother you already did so why do you still want me to tutor you?" she said cutting me off.

"I wasn't going to ask you to tutor me" I was starting to get annoyed.

"Oh" She said blushing.

"I was wondering if you could go out with me..." I could finally ask.

"What?" She said shocked, her face was hilarious!

"Not as a girlfriend...just you know hang out" I explained her arriving to school.

"Ooh...I'll think about it, ok?" Sam said, well I'm going to make her agree. She'll see. I thought about my plan while seeing her walking away.

The bell had already ringed but I planned on skipping. I took out my phone and texted Samantha's cousin, Chris asking which her favorite flowers were. He told me it was the roses, the ones that are the top are fuchsia and then turn out white. Thankfully I found a bucket of them at the first flower shop. Walking back to school I reached her locker and stuffed the flowers inside, not without putting a note before that read: "Say yes, please? Don't consider it a date, just friends trying to know each other" Ha like I really wanted that. But what can I say? That'll just make her fall for me. I knew Samantha's password because I had memorized it by seeing her open her locker. I retreated from her locker and waited against a near wall for her to arrive and see the roses. When she saw them her face was pure surprise and I use that at my advantage and when I was behind her I asked:

"Do you like them?"

"I love them!" she said excited.

"Glad you do"

"How did you know?" Sam asked looking at me with curiosity.

"Know what?" I said deciding to play the innocent

"Oh come on! You know what" She said while smacking me in a jokingly way.

"Ok ok no need to be aggressive! I just have my ways...so what do you say?" I asked while rubbing my arm without her noticing it. She can hit really hard for a girl.

"Hmm ok, but don't make me regret it" Samantha said and for once I saw she was truly smiling.

"No need to worry" I said and immediately regret it. She has no clue what I'm going to do to her.

When I walked away I heard someone exclaim "OMG!" in a high pitch voice and I chuckled. I feel a little guilty for what I was going to do to her. But it was the only way my plan can work. Also I'll be killing two birds from one shot. She's strong and she'll recover soon enough. I was walking back to my house and thought about my plan, part three completed, two more to go. You'll wonder what my master plan is, the thing is I'm not going to tell you, not for now at least.

After school I said I'll pick her at 6 and left for my house. This one night will be one I'll make sure she wouldn't forget. In the mean time I have to gather more information about her.

When all my arrangements were done it was 5pm. I took a quick shower, dressed and headed toward my car. It was 6pm sharp when I arrived at her house. When I saw her I almost dropped my jaw open, she was amazing. But I shook my head, I can't fall for her. She hugged me and then walked to the car. I opened the door for her and then got inside myself. After a moment or two she asked:

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" I said winking.

She's going to love what I planned for her.

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now