(Ch. 10) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but for the enemy of my dear brother (High School King)

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Heeeey, first of all IM SORRY! It's been like forever since I last posted, but I've been so busy or just out of inspiration...Well here's chap. 10 :) I hope you like it! And don't forget to fan, vote and comment ^^ I've already started the next chapter soo if I get 2 comments and 10 votes within tonight or tomorrow morning I will post the next chapter =)


Chapter 10

"I'm not sure about this" said the voice of my gym teacher.

"Come on, Mary, we won't be discovered" said the voice of my math teacher.

"But we could be fired Carl" persisted my gym teacher.

"No buts, we love each other and nothing will stop us" convinced my math teacher.

I can't believe it! My math teacher was a total geek, and my gym teacher was every guy's dream girl. She had blond long hair, piercing green eyes and muscled body. While my math teacher was bald, wore glasses and was like spaghetti. See what I mean? Sometimes they take "opposites attract" too seriously. As they were about to kiss someone tapped my shoulder and said "Spying much huh?" I swear I jumped three feet in the air and almost screamed. I turned around and glared at Matt.

"Shhh, they will hear us!" I told him.

"Please, can't you see they are too busy kissing to even notice us?" He said pinching my cheek.

"Come on then" I said after turning around and almost gagging at them sucking faces.

I took his hand and continued over to the cafeteria with him laughing. I rolled my eyes and took my seat down at our table.

"What's this weekend plan?" said Chris, my cousin.

"For you study to for your chemistry exam, little mister" I said and he glared at me.

"Well, we girls have an only girls' pajama party" said Christine grinning

"Yeah, sorry for you guys" said Audrey taking a bite of her hamburger.

"Well why don't we go camping?" said Austin.

"Guys weekend" said Mike smiling widely.

"Count me in" said Matthew.

"Watcha talking about?" said Mark sitting down.

"Camping this weekend, you in?" Austin asked.

"Of course"

Chris was pouting because he knew he had to study a lot if he wanted to pass chemistry. In fact I was going to his house on Sunday to study. The rest of the day was a blur and before I knew it the final bell rang. When I got out I saw my brother's car was gone. Oh no, he didn't! He's so going to get it when I get home. Just in cue started to rain, so now I will be soaked when I get home. Just when I was about to start running to my house Matt appeared and said "Need a ride?" I smiled and got into his car. Now that I think better of it I dreaded to get home. With everything about my dad, home would be really sad and now my brother hates me. Way to go. Just thinking of it I felt tears in my eyes, and even though I tried blinking them away, it was no use.

"Sam, are you ok? What's wrong?" said Matt, stopping the car and looking at me.

"It's nothing, I'm fine"

"Don't lie to me, what's wrong?" he said concerned.

"My family is wrong" I whispered so soft I could barely hear it, but he also heard.

"Oh Sam, come here" he said opening his arms and without hesitation I sat on his lap and hugged him while crying.

It was a while until I finally calmed and al the while he was whispering comforting words. I looked up at him and smiled, just before he kissed me softly. Then I got off his lap and he continued to drive.

Matt's POV

I was driving her home and when I took a glance at her I saw that there were tears running down her cheeks. I stopped and asked her what was wrong.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" she said sniffling.

"Don't lie to me, what's wrong?" I said, and I hate to admit I was really concerned.

"My family is wrong" Sam said barely audible and it broke my heart to see her like that.

"Oh Sam, come here" I said without thinking and opened my arms, she climbed onto me and hugged me while crying.

While she cried I tried to make her feel better, I can't believe I was going to hurt her more than she had been hurt. But I need to be heartless. I can't fall for her.right? She's just another girl, no one special and she is only a toy, part of my plan. Yes, that's how I need to think. But my heart told me otherwise. When she got to her seat I missed her touch. wait, what? I can't be thinking like this, I must concentrate on my plan, yes that is.

Back to Samantha's POV

When we arrived home I told Matt to go, it would be better that way. As soon as I opened my house's door I was greeted by a grief atmosphere. I searched everywhere and there was no sign of neither of my family. So I called my mom and he told that she and my brother had to go out looking at the colleges he wanted to go. So they would be here by tomorrow. I sighed and went to my room and got out mi ipod, a book and cellphone.

After an hour or so it beeped and showed a new message. I opened it and it was of Matt: "Hey how was everything? Are you ok?" I smiled and typed "Yeah, both my mom and brother went out". After a few minutes he replied "Well then, do you want to hang out?" Again I smiled despite myself and answered "Sure". I guess here goes my reading afternoon, I know you must think I'm crazy but I do like been sometime alone to just read and forget about reality. To me books are wonderful places where we go to escape from reality, and these places hold everything we desire for. I closed my book that was titled "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libra Bray. I received another text from Matt that said "Be ready at 7, dress casually". I wonder where he is going to take me.

It was 6:30 and I was ready. I had a jean skirt, a long-sleeved fuchsia shirt and black flats. My hair was in a half pony tail and I had little make-up on, just mascara and lip gloss. I decided to watch TV meanwhile and before I knew it the doorbell was ringing. I took my things and answered the door and there was Matt, he had dark blue jeans, an All Time Low t-shirt and black converse, his black hair was spicked and his green eyes were shining.

"Hey there beautiful" He said while hanging me a bucket of my favorite roses.

"You don't look so bad yourself and thank you" I said taking the flowers and smiling widely.

I couldn't help the way my heart accelerates when I see him and the electric shock it goes through me whenever we touch or kiss. After I left the roses on water we took off on his car. After driving for about fifteen minutes we arrived at a park. He got off and opened the car door for me. He took my hand and guided me through the park and across a forest. I was feeling confused at where we were going so I asked and he just told me "You'll see". This is so typical, I guess I'll have to wait, then. We kept walking and walking through the trees and I enjoyed the sound of peace, the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees and the silence. I hadn't notice I had stopped and closed my eyes until I felt someone hugging me, and Matt's voice saying "Are you okay?" I just nodded and breathed the cool air.

He took my hand again and began walking with me at his side. We walked and walked and suddenly we came to a stop. And when I saw what was ahead of us I stopped breathing and gasped.

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now