(Ch. 18) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but for the enemy of my dear brother (High School King)

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Heeey (: Here's the new chapteer...since I like you guys I didn't kill him but I won't prommise anything...I hope you like this chap (: don't forget to comment, vote and fan! I can't believe I have more than 150 fans!! You are amazing!! Thanks to everyone who has voted, commented or fanned or even read!

Chapter 18

Samantha's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and was blinded by a white light. I blinked a few times to get used to it and took a look at my surroundings. I was in an uncomfortable bed, and everything was white. What am I doing here? Then I remembered the accident, me waking up and visiting Derek...then a beep...A BEEP! He couldn't, no he promised it! He...no, no, no...He couldn't have died! Immediately tears formed in my eyes. I was alone in the room, I wonder where everyone is? As if they could hear my thoughts Mark came in.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, sadness clouded his eyes and I felt guilty for making him sad.

"I'm good" which wasn't true, I couldn't feel my body at all and the little I felt it hurt "How's Derek? What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He's alive, in intensive therapy" he answered but I knew he wasn't telling me something.

"Why? And how much time have I slept?" I asked and he sighed heavily and went to sit beside me.

"When you fainted we almost lost him, but we didn't and that's what matters. You've been asleep for another two weeks"

"I'm sorry" I said looking down.

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked looking intently at me but I refused to look him in the eyes.

"Because all of this is my fault, if I hadn't make him laugh and turned away from the road then we wouldn't have crashed, if I hadn't gone crazy and ran to where he was and fainted he wouldn't have worried too much that he almost died, and if none of that had happened all of you would be happier" I held a calm tone, even though inside I was feeling the complete opposite, he took my shin and made me look at him.

"Listen to me carefully, none of this is your fault ok? Bad things happen to everyone and it was no one's fault, especially not yours" he looked so confident about that that he made me believe him even if it was for a moment. I tried looking away but he didn't let me and I felt my eyes stinging and tears rolling down my cheeks.

I couldn't help it and I hugged him tightly, soaking wet his shirt. When I was finally done I looked up at him and apologized again for wetting his shirt but he shook his head and told me I was more important than a shirt, what made me blush. In that exact moment Matthew came in and like that the mood was ruined.

(Start playing the song)

"I see you're awake" he said glaring at Mark.

"Yes and now that you know you can go really, drop the act I know you don't care for me so stop it!" I almost yelled after him.

"Please, give me another chance, I'm not asking you to be together again, just friends forgive me please!" he pleaded but I knew better than to believe him.

"I already gave you a chance and you wasted it, I don't trust you or any word that leaves your mouth, leave" I answered hard.

"You'll forgive me, even if that's the last thing I do I will make you forgive me" he said before turning around and leaving.

Just when I thought I would get some peace Cole came into view. And I sighed exasperated.

"Just save it ok? I forgive you just because you were a really good friend, but we won't be more than friends and if you ever do something like that again I won't forgive you this easily" When I finished talking he smiled widely and came to hug me, really tight and it hurt so I winced.

"Sorry" he said a little embarrassed.

"S' ok" I said smiling weakly.

Cole, Mark and I kept talking for awhile until they had to leave because visit time was over. So when I was left alone I couldn't help but think. It's not that I haven't forgiven Matthew, believe me I had long time ago. I'm no one to hold grudges, but its just I didn't want to take the risk of liking him again. Because then he would hurt me again and I won't let that happen. From now on I'll be more careful with love. I know I shouldn't be scared or feeling like this. That building walls instead of bridges would only hurt me more but I can't help it.

I kept turning and rolling in my bed but couldn't fall asleep. Something was wrong and I could feel it, but I didn't know what. Because of last time I couldn't get up and that frustrated me. But finally after about two hours of trashing around, I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes, I groaned and turned over. Immediately my nose caught up the smell of roses and my eyes shot open. I checked the clock and it was 6:00am, it wasn't possible that someone had brought me flowers this early. I thought I was imagining it but when I looked up I was surrounded with my favorite roses and I mean it! I couldn't even get out of the bed without touching them. The room was packed and in my feet was a note:

"Good morning sunshine:

I hope you like the flowers, they're the closest as beautiful as you I found. It took you time to get to sleep, I thought I'd have to wait all night. You're wonderful and the best girl I've met, please forgive me?"

It didn't have name but I knew who it was and suddenly the roses didn't seem as a good surprise as before. The first visitor I had was Mark and when he saw the roses his features became hard and he behave like he was...jealous? No, I must be hallucinating because of the pain killers. Anyways, I asked him to give a bucket of roses to the other patients in the other rooms. I wasn't about to waste that much of flowers.

I was almost asleep when he came in again and I smiled a weak smile.

"Thanks for doing that for me" I said.

"Anytime Sam" he replied smiling and he became thoughtful. He didn't talk again until a few minutes later "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot" I said.

"Do you like anyone right now?" he asked taking me off guard.

"No..." I replied doubtlessly, because I knew deep in my heart I still liked a little bit Matt but I wouldn't admit that "Why?"

"Umm just wondering" he said looking disappointed.

"Tell me" I said demandingly.

"Really, I was just curious" he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Uh uh, and I was born yesterday" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"I...I'll tell you only if you promise not to laugh or tell anyone" he said looking like he was about to regret saying whatever the reason was.

"I promise"

"Because I like you" he took a breath and then said low "A lot"

My eyes widened and I thought 'Way to go Sam, why do you always insist in people telling you things you'd been better not knowing?' I mentally slapped my head.

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now