(Ch. 2) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (aka High School King)

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Here's part 2 :) hope you like it! Comment and vote (:


Chapter 2

The next day she didn't come to school either so I went to her house. When I arrived there was no car parked and when I knocked no one answered...weird much huh? I walked home wondering where she could be. I tried calling to her phone but no one answered, sent her a message and no response I even tried writing to her mail. Ok so probably I was just being paranoid but do you know when you have the feeling that something's off? Well that's how I feel right now.

You'll wonder what about the guy I was supposed to tutor yesterday's evening. It wasn't half bad as I thought it would be. Leaving aside his constant stares, he was a really cool and before I even thought about it the classes were over.

So back to the present I got home and "surprisingly" my brother invited over his friends. They weren't bad looking but they were just jerks. I don't know why my brother even talks to them, but whatever it's his choice.

"Hey there sis"

"Hey Dek" His name was Derek but I and only I call him Dek.

"Wanna hang out with us?" He asked jokingly.

"Thanks but I'll pass" Pff like I would want to be in the same room with those guys.

I went straight to my room without paying attention to the chorus of hi's of my brother's friends. It was like 4pm, I had no homework and wasn't in the mood to hang out with friends. That leaves me three options, to read, write or draw. I decided for the first and took out the book we're reading on English class "A room with a view" despite the fact I'm a bookworm I really don't like this book, is old English and it wasn't coherent but I had no choice. After like two hours I almost fell asleep and took out my laptop to see if Brittany had answered the email I sent her from my phone. No luck. I sighed and started writing the next chapter of the newest story I had been writing. It was about a girl who survived a car accident but lost all her family and was stuck with a faraway relative who lived in the other side of the world. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate, it was a message from an unknown number, and it read "Hi! I'm Matt, I was wondering if I could go to your house to study?" I looked at the time it read 6pm. I replied "Hey, can't it be tomorrow? It's kind of late" I pressed sent and waited for him to reply. It wasn't thaat late but geez today I was free of homework! I received another message "No, please! I have an exam tomorrow" Ugh, why me? I know why it's because I'm kinder than I should be "Fine" I sent it. After like ten minutes the bell rang and I went downstairs to get it.

"Hey there!" he said enthusiastically.

"Hello, we're in a good mood aren't we?"

"I guess so" he replied smiling.

As soon as we entered the house I regretted it. My brother who was in the living room stood up with an angry face and in an angrier tone he said.

"What is HE doing in my house?"

"Hey calm down! It's also my house and he's here because I tutor him"

"I don't care, just tell him to find another tutor, I forbid you to even talk to him again"

"What?? Now back off, I never tell you with whom you can or cannot be so if I want to I can tutor him and you are no one to forbid me anything" I said almost yelling.

Just there my mother entered the living room asking what was going on and who Matthew was. I explained everything to her and she told my brother to leave me alone and he left to his room fuming.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what got over my brother" I said embarrassed

"Well I might know" He said almost inaudible

"Care to explain?"

"Let's say he hates me"

"And why's that?"

"A couple of years ago I played a prank on him, since then he'd make my life miserable"

"I can't believe it!" I said surprised.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but your brother isn't an angel"

"Excuse me? Who gave you permission to talk about my brother like that?"

"I'm sorry...I just thought...that you and him..." he babbled on.

"That he and me what? Didn't get along well? Actually we have a really good relationship and if you don't mind I will ask you to get out of my sight"

"What? Why? What about the lesson?" he said clearly shocked.

"Well you'll have to do it on your own, goodbye now" I said closing the door in his nose.

I can't believe it! See? I told you, he asked me to tutor him just to make mad my brother and also to just look at me. That little pervert! Well now my day's clearly ruined. I knocked softly to my brother's room.

"Go away!" he said

"Please! I'm sorry ok? I didn't know" I said

"Fine, I should've told you earlier" Derek said opening the door and pulling me into a bear hug.

"Haha I knew you couldn't stay mad at me" I said sticking my tongue out. " So...umm what prank did he exactly played on you?"

"Prank? He told you it was a simple prank?

"Yeah, why?"

"He tricked me into going to school at night and I was almost arrested if it hasn't been for mom and dad"

"Oh okay" I said and then his words made sense "Wait...what? And how it's that I haven't been told before?"

"I asked them not to tell you...I'm sorry!"

"Well at least I know now...don't I?" It's hard to get me mad, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but that's who I am.

"Sure you do"

I went down to dinner and then took a shower, changed and went to sleep. The week passed by and Brittany hadn't come to school, neither answer my calls or messages. I was getting really worried. I decided to try her house again and what I saw left me speechless.

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now