(Ch. 6) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (aka High School King)

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Sorry this chapter is short! Probably I'll post the next one tomorrow or Monday. I hope you like it! Don't forget to comment, vote and fan!


Chapter 6

Back to Samantha POV

He kept driving for about half an hour. I looked outside the window all the time while chatting with him. I tried really hard but I can't seem to recognize where we were going. He stopped and parked the car outside a stadium. Please don't tell me he brought me to a baseball game because then I'll be very bored. I guess he saw my confused face and said:

"Don't worry, this isn't a baseball game"

"Then why you brought me here?"

"Be patient you'll know in a few" he said chuckling.


Suddenly I felt his hands at my head and everything went black. He had blindfolded me.

"It's a surprise and this will help keeping it that way" he explained.

He grabbed my hand and leaded me. He talked to some guy and then we entered and seated. I felt some lights go on. And he took off the blindfold. I gasped. I can't believe it! There on the stage was my favorite band ever!!! Simple Plan!!

"How...How...I mean...Wow!" I was at loss of words.

"I'll take it as you like it" he said grinning.

"How did you get tickets? They were really expensive! And in VIP!" I almost screamed.

"Haha let's just say I won two first row tickets and backstage passes"

"Oh My God!" I screamed and threw myself at him almost knocking him down "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Your welcome" he said while looking at my arms around his neck and I immediately took them away "You know I liked it that way" he pouted.

"Haha so how much do I own to you?"


"I won't accept that as an answer" I said with my hands on my hips. Meanwhile they were doing sound check.

"Just leave it like this, ok?" he said doggy eyes.

"Fine" I gave in.

After that I paid attention to Simple Plan. And let me tell you this has been the best concert in all my life! I jumped, danced and sing to all the songs they played. In the middle of the concert a guy said to me:

"Hey there! You have a really nice voice!" He had light brown hair with blue eyes.

"Umm thanks" I said blushing and looking away, beside me Matt stiffened and was glaring at the boy. Was he jealous? Let's play a little bit and see what he does.

"If you ever need someone to hang out with just call me, here's my number" he said winking and handing me a piece of paper with numbers on it.

"Yeah sure" I said smiling.

"Excuse me, but this girl over here is already taken so go away" he literally growled.

"Like I care, I'm Josh by the way" he said looking my way.

"Samantha" I replied and turned to look at Matthew, he was fuming. So funny! Josh left and he said:

"Why did you talk to him?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Are you jealous?" I asked fighting back a smile.

"Umm...no, why would I?" he said more to himself than to me.

"I don't know" I said laughing while nudging him.

The concert ended and we made our way to backstage. I can't believe I'm actually getting to know Simple Plan! It's like a dream came true. I got their autographs and took some photos with them. And just as I thought it couldn't get any better they offered us a ride in their limousine and then dinner with them. Of course we accepted it.

By the time I got home it was midnight. I got out of Matt's car and thank him for the amazing time I had, he leaned and gave me a peck on the cheek and I blushed. I walk inside my house and heard his car going away. When I got to me bedroom I closed the door and slid to the floor thinking about all that had happened. And just then I realized something, I was falling for Matthew. Despise the hour I turned on my laptop and wrote an email to Brittany:

"Dear Friend:

You will not believe what had happened to me! Matt took me to the Simple Plan's concert with backstage passes and then the members of the group invited us to ride with them inside their limousine and also dinner with them! I think I might be falling for Matthew...And I know it shouldn't be happening because my brother will kill me if h knows. What can I do?. Changing the subject how are you doing? Have you any friends at your new school? I miss you a lot!


I yawned and noticed how tired I was. Thankfully tomorrow was Saturday, what means no school! I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Tonight I had a dreamless night.

When I woke up next morning it was 8am. I dressed in some sweatpants, a t-shirt, a pair of sneakers and went down to eat some breakfast. After I finished I told my mom I was going to jog and left the house. I started jogging down the street with my ear buds on and blasting "Just Feel Better" by Aerosmith and Carlos Santana. I started singing with the lyrics and closed my eyes for a moment. Suddenly I ran into what I thought it was a brick wall and as I prepared myself for the fall, it never came. I opened my eyes and saw that I was being held in strong arms and when I looked up I saw that it was...

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now