(Ch. 13) Falling for not only the wrong guy, but for the enemy of my dear brother (High School King)

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Heeeey!!!! So here's the new chapteeeer =) So all who commented said to leave the original names and that's what I did :). This chapter is in Matt's POV. I know you will like it ;) Don't forget to fan, vote and comment! Also I can't beleive I already have more than 100 faaaans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU guuuys!!! You rooock :D

Chapter 13

Matt's POV

Right now I was walking towards my car, it was Saturday morning and I was going camping with Sam's friends. We decided to go to a desolate mountain and prove our surviving skills.

Two hours later I had already arrived and we were setting the camp, let me tell you it was NOT easy. After an hour or so we finally pulled it off and we were going to hike. First one will get more food and last would have to sleep outside on the floor. I got on my bike and started. I was clearly winning and Sam's cousin (Austin) was last.

"Take my dust, suckers!" I screamed at them turning around. Not a good idea, I slammed into a tree and everyone passed me.

"Now who is winning, dude?" said laughing that Mike guy.

I cussed under my breath and got up fast, but not enough to win. Guess who lost? If you thought it was me then you got it right. I was really pissed for losing and when it was time to sleep and I had to sleep outside on the grass I couldn't even close my eyes. First I heard a ROAR! And jumped for about 10 feet in the air. I grabbed a ranch and walked toward the noise and hit it as hard as I could. Let just say I ended up running for my life almost all night until the bear got tired and left me alone.

All the guys were laughing their asses up. I just glared and continued walking to get my things and get out of here the fastest I could. After a two hours ride I got home and sent Sam a text. I wanted to see if we could hang out today and make her fall harder for me. But sadly she couldn't... Oh well I'll just call Amanda. She was so damn hot and of course my other and true girlfriend. Lately she is feeling really jealous of Sam and was getting annoying to assure her I only liked her. But still she was hot and a great kisser. When I called she said yes and now we were at Hot Topic. I wanted to make out with her but she was bothering me with the Sam thing again. So when at last I could kiss her and someone taped my shoulder I just said "Go away, I'm busy!" but I realized after Sam slapped me (really hard) maybe I shouldn't have said that. When Samantha left Amanda brought her lips to mine and who was I to reject it?

After our make-out session I went home and tried calling Samantha. I hated to admit it, but I did feel a little bit hurt. My plan hadn't worked and also I kinda liked her a bit. I kept calling until I fell asleep. I woke up with the annoying sound of the alarm clock. I got up, went to the bathroom, dressed and ate cereal. Afterward I sped up to the school and got out of my car. When I was at my locker I saw Sam walking by, a man! She was smoking hot! If I hadn't ruined my plan I could be kissing her right now.

She didn't even glance to me, and Mike had his arms around her shoulders. I wanted to punch him, but I don't know why. I shut my locker and walked straight to class. It seemed like an eternity when the final bell rang. I grabbed my things and went to the parking lot to wait for Sam. Maybe I could convince her to be back together and then my plan could be finished. When I took sight of her I immediately grabbed her wrist and said:

"Sam! At last I managed to find you" faking a hard-breathin so she would think I was running to catch up to her.

"Well I have nothing to do with you, so bye" she said and turned around, but before she could walk away I grabbed her again "Leave me alone Matthew, nothing you say will save you...ok?" Sam said hard and I was shocked.

She started running and I just stayed there, thinking about how to make her be with me again. After thinking for a while I walked to my car and went to the mall. I will need some things for tomorrow.

After a couple of hours I was finally home and sadly, my dad was too. He was always drunk and if you made him mad you will end up injured. Something I learned by experience. I quickly got upstairs and locked my door. Shortly after I heard my mom's car park and come inside. I took out my headphones and Ipod and blasted the music on my ears. I wasn't in the mood to hear their fights. Since I was exhausted, after a few minutes I fell asleep on my bed.

The following day I woke up early and went to school half an hour early. The first thing I did was put the bouquet of flowers inside her locker along with a note I had written. Then I went to her first class and wrote on the board "I'M SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" And left one single rose under it. Also I went to her desk and filled it with notes saying "I'm sorry" or "Forgive me, please". And at last I placed on top of it chocolates, rose petals and a picture I made of her in her outfit of yesterday. I smirked to myself and thought "Wonderful job Matt". She will definitely fall for this.

I went to my locker and stood casually there like I had just arrived. I saw her going to her locker and grinned in anticipation. Hen she opened it and the flowers fell directly to her hands I saw confusion in her face and when she took the note and found out it was me she frowned and looked sideways. She saw me and I smirked, then she went to the nearer trash and threw the flowers inside! Why would she do that? Doesn't she know how much that cost me? I was mad at her. And when she reached her classroom she erased the board, broke the rose, picture, gave the chocolates to other people and the papers inside her desk she crumpled them without reading and threw them inside the trash. I was shocked! Why didn't she went all lovey-dovey and begged to be with me again??

I stalked to my classroom. I was pissed, I just wasted my time and money on her. I took deep breaths and entered Math, oh joy! (note the sarcasm). Today was literally hell, all classes were bored and Samantha ignored me or just sent hateful looks to me. I was really grateful when the final bell rang, so I almost ran up to my car. Only to be stopped by Mike, Mark and Derek. Oh no, this can't be good...at all. I wasn't even given the chance to speak before the first punch came and then another and another. I just punched randomly, trying to hit anyone of them. I got in a few dab-jabs and punches. Still I was pretty messed up, my nose was bleeding, my head also. I think I have a few broken bones and everything started to feel dizzy. I was on the ground, all three hitting me taking turns. They were also yelling at me for being such a jerk and things I couldn't focus on.

I don't know how much time passed of them just hitting me, I had already given up trying to hit them back. It felt hours until someone saw us and started screaming words I couldn't understand. Finally they stopped hitting me, but because some guys were restraining them. A girl started yelling at them, and I could recognize her as Samantha.

Just as I recognized her she looked to me with a worried expression, and said:

"Oh god, are you alright Matthew?"

"What do you think?" I said sarcasm and venom dripping from my voice as I tried sitting up.

"Here let me help you" she said extending her hand to me.

"Forget it, I don't need you ok? I'm perfectly fine" I snapped at her and I swear I saw her eyes watering but then she put a straight face on.

"Ok, whatever you want jerk. Come on let's go guys" Sam said turning her back to me and pushing her friends and brother ahead of her. I saw them walking away until they were no longer visible and Samantha didn't turn to me even once.

I tried getting up but I just fell down. Suddenly everything started to move and instead of one car there were two. My vision blurred and the last thing I heard before falling into unconsciousness was someone screaming "CALL 911!".

Falling fot not only the wrong guy, but the enemy of my dear brother (a.k.a High School King)Where stories live. Discover now