A Game(3)

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I was laying in coopers arms. I fell asleep on the couch last night? i don't remember this. I smell pancakes and bacon. I sat up trying to look around but i couldn't move. I guess i woke cooper up caused next thing i know i look to my left and sure enough there was a wake cooper still holding on to me. he looked at me and smiled."good morning" he said."good morning" i said. "Kate made breakfast!whos hungry?" Jordan yelled. "What time is it?" nate asked sleepy. "it is 12 now get up and eat at the table" Kate said. "Honey! you and cooper wanna stay out there and eat or come in here?" Jordan asked.

"Its up to you" cooper said nicely.

Wow. This is so new to me. ive never ever gotten to chose what i do. I kinda wanna stay out here but what if cooper wants to go in there?

Honey!Chose What The Hell You Want To Do And Eat

Should i?

I Dont Know Should You Stay Out Here And Be Happy? Should You See If Cooper Wants To Sit With You? Just Answer Already!

Okay Okay

"I wanna stay out here. I dont feel like moving" I said sweetly.

"Okay ill go get our food" He said before he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Wait did that just happen? Hes gonna stay with me? 

Didnt you just hear him? Hes staying by your side. Hes your protector 

Just shut up before i

youll what? you cant do anything im inside you so unless you wanna atempt to get me out which you cant ill be here now look prince charming is coming.

i hate you!

"Hey heres your plate" He said as he handed me the plate.

"Thanks Cooper" I said.

We sat and ate. We watched tv and it only seemed like 5 minutes when it really was an hour. My ribs are hurting so much but i dont wanna show that im hurting. 

"Im so tired"

"Me to. You want me to go upstairs with you?" Jordan said.

"Sure but how are you gonna carry me? we weigh the same"

"I can try"

"I cant walk jordan"

"I can carry you up there and if you need me jordan could run down to get me." Cooper Stated.

"Okay. Thanks." I accept.

Cooper picked me up and walked me to my room. He sat me on the bed and jordan sat next to me.

"Ill be downstairs if you need me"

"Hey Cooper"

"Yeah Honey?"


"Your welcome"

As he left Jordan quickly shut the door. Oh no. Gossip time. What is it with girls and gossip?

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