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"No. Its cant be."i said shocked

"Yes. Its true. Your not dreaming and just so you do know this is real."he said

He walked over to the bed and pulled me off making me fall to the floor and bump my head on the wooden floor. 

I looked up rubbing my head.

"Hurt Princess?"he asked amused as i tried to get up.

"Not one bit."I said sarcastically.

He went from shocked then Angry.

"Get Up"he demanded

I got up and he grabbed my arm.

"Where are we going?"i asked

"Somewhere"he said as he smirked

"Where are we going"i asked again

"Are you always like this?"He asked irritated

"Where are we going?"i said irritated

"Just shut up already."he snapped

"Why are you working for Seth?"i asked as we stopped at an elevator

"Cause i am"he said

"why?"i asked

"If i tell you will you shut up at least until we get there?"he asked

"yes"i said

"Im working for him cause hes my family and its good money"He said

"You get paid to hurt people?"i asked

"Yes. Now shut up."he said

"Fine" I said.

We walked into the elevator and went to the very bottom. I looked around for a way out but all i saw were three tunnels. We went through the middle one and turned the right I saw a door that lead to outside. Im gonna use that as my way out when i escape.......if i get the chance.

He opened the door in front of us and threw me in.

"There. Now you can have some mother daughter time."he said as he walked out.

I turned to see a wide eyed woman. Wait he said...... My eyes started to water.

"H-h-honey?"She asked.

"Mom?"i asked

I walked over to the woman. I cant believe its really her. My mom. The one who got taken from me.

"Your hurt."i said

"You shouldnt of come here. Youll never leave."she said crying

"Mom,I made a deal with him. Im gonna get out. All of us are"i said

"You what?"she asked looking sad

"Yeah i did"i said smiling

"Im not getting out Honey"she said starting to cry.

"What? Of Course you are."i said

"Honey, The only reason you got to see me is cause im dieing."she said

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