I Saw Chase(13)

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I woke up to screaming. I quickly got up put pjs on and grabbed my knife that i hide in my painty drawer. I ran down the stairs. Nate and Jordan were playing around. He was chasing each other but stopped when they saw me with a knife in my hand.

"What are you guys doing? i thought someone was in the house trying to hurt you"i said annoyed.

"Sorry. Hows your bruise?"Jordan asked

"Its gotten better with these three days."i said.

"Well graduation is just around the corner. Your valedictorian this year. Do you have a speech? What are you gonna wear?"she asked

"yes i have a speech no you will have to wait to hear it and i have no clue what ill be wearing. i have time to look cause graduation is in 2 weeks."i said.

"Uh Honey?nate said

"what?"i asked

"Its in one week actually."he said

"what? wow. i cant believe its time. wow. i need to figure everything out. i need to know what im wearing i need to-

Jordan cut me off

"Chill H. Ill help you."she said

"Wait where is Lucas and Cooper?"i asked

"Lucas is upstairs showering."nate said

"Cooper went out to buy some dinner"Jordan said.

"Wait i've been sleeping all day!"i asked shocked

"Yes but you weren't feeling well so we let you sleep. I put ice on your bruise a few times. I'm glad its getting better"she said

"yeah me to. its almost gone. just a few more days."i said.

"So guess what we are going to do after graduation that we haven't done in awhile."jordan asked excitedly. 

"What"i asked.

"We are going to a party just me and you. Vault sounds good right?"she asked

"our favorite club?"i asked

"yeah. sound like a good idea?"she asked

"Yeah but do you maybe wanna go tonight?"i asked

"you've been in pain for three days and now you wanna go to a club?"she asked

"yeah. is that bad?"i asked

"how bad are you hurting? lets see that bruise."she demanded.

Great. I wonder if shes gonna let me go. I picked up my shirt and showed her the bruise. it went away a lot but some was still there near my ribs. I knew she was gonna test me. Ugh.

"Its gone away a lot."she said.

She examined me and then touched near it and i winced in pain. Great. Im not going anywhere.

"No. Your still hurting. Go back to bed and put an ice pack on. Cooper will be back soon so ill send him upstairs with you"she demanded.

"but"i said but she pointed a finger and glared at me. I was to in pain to argue so i grabbed a bottle of water an ice pack and went back upstairs to my room. I just laid there in silence. The ice felt nice on my bruise even though it hurt. I already drank half of the bottle of water. I had the heating pad on my back cause it was hurting. I heard my door creak open and there was my dear loving Cooper with my dinner.

"Hey. How are you feeling babe?"he asked 

"Ill be fine. Im still in pain but i think itll go away soon. Im starving.What did you get?"i asked

"Chinese. Your favorite."he said

"yay!"i said

he walked over chuckling. We ate and then went to bed once we were done. He held me tight and kissed my cheek as he said goodnight. I fell asleep and had a weird dream.


I was driving on this dirt road. i got out at the end of the road and ran into the forest. i found this very beautiful peaceful place. There was a river and flowers everywhere. It was an open medow surrounded bye trees. The sound of the water flowing and the birds churping soothed me. I saw someone walk into the medow calling my name. Chase? How can he be here? Hes dead. He walked up to me and hugged me.

"Ive missed you sis."Chase said

"What are you doing here? How can you be here?"i asked

"its your dream. I came to warn you. You dont have much time. Seth will come after you after graduation. Hes going to torture you and then kill you infront of  mom and Cooper. I know you can fight but you need to know he has many men to back him up. Rick was childs play compared to what Seth has in store for you. If he has to do the same thing to you that he did to me he will. Cooper is a keeper by the way. Listen to heather aand follow your heart"

"bubba what am i gonna do? im scared."

"i know you are but little sis you will be fine your a surviver. you dont go down without a fight. you need to stay strong and take Seth down. Try to save mom since no one could save dad."

"i wish you were here bubba. heather hasnt been around for awhile. How am i supose to keep all of my friends safe?"

he picked my chin up as i had tears rolling down my face.

"Hes after you not them. Be smart. Out smart Seth and then use all the strength you have to take him down.

"Bubba i miss you."

"I miss you to. When you do die me and dad will be waiting on the other side for you."

he hugged me and then started to walk away

"Bubba i wanna come with you"

"you cant come with me honey. not yet.

"is any of this real? does this place actually exsist on earth?

"yes and your heart will lead you to it when you need it most"

"Bubba! I Love You! 

I Love You To Hun Hun

"Will i continue to see you when i dream?

"only when i need to warn you or if you really need me like right now. until then stay strong sis you can win this fight either alone or with your friends if you fight hard enough youll win

he started walking to the  forest but stopped and looked over his shoulder

"Im proud of you sis.

that made me burst into tears as i watched him walk away i woke up with Cooper waking me up it was 3 in the morning.

"Hey you okay why are you crying?"

"Chase he he vistited me in mmy d d dream"

"what happened?"

"He was warning me about Seth."

"What did he say?"

I told Cooper everything Chase had told me and he got worried. He told me we will take Seth down and no one will get hurt. My heart was breaking by seeing him. I miss him so much and he said he was proud of me which warms my heart cause thats all i ever wanted was for him to be proud of me and before he left my dream he said those words i guess i was crying in my sleep cause when Cooper woke me up my cheeks were wet my eyes were burning like hell. I miss you so so much Chase. I wish you never left me.

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