Game On(11)

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I woke up to Cooper shaking me.

"Hey Baby. Wake up. Jordan just called."Cooper said.

"Wait what time is it?"i asked

"schools gonna be over in like 15 minutes"he said

"shit we gotta go if i don't fight them they will go around school saying i pussied out. that aint happening. everyone will be coming up to me walking over me. the boys are gonna be cornered. nobody hurts my family"i said

"okay baby calm down ill drive"he said.

we walked out side and to his car. we drove to the school and walked inside just as the bell rang. everyone was walking fast. i was looking around for the boys and jordan and finally found them with taylor she was talking to them with her minions and i stormed over.

"Hey Taylor stay away from them this fight is between me and you"i snapped

"oh please i thought you'd never show. you are late seems like your scared"taylor said smirking

"me? scared of you? that's funny. "i said

"just go meet at the bleachers. that's where the fight is. im going to find my boyfriend. bye whore"she said.

"oh don't you call my cousin no whore"lucas yelled

"just stop well settle this at the spot."i said

"later"taylor said and walked off.

"Come on guys lets go."i said.

we walked to the bleachers and i got there just in time. The whole football team was with Cameron and Taylor had her best friend mia with her. I walked out and it was just me and taylor first.

"Hey Honey"Taylor said

"Hey Taylor. Hows your nose?"i asked smirking and i knew Cooper and the boys were to.

I saw her throw her foot around and i dodged it and threw a punch to her nose again making her scream and fall to the ground. i heard jordan scream and i looked up to see mia punching her.

"Oh hell no"i yelled.

i ran right over to mia and kicked her side. she lost her balance but didn't fall down. she threw a punch at me hitting my face. i didn't move i just  kicked her down pinned her down and punched her in the face i saw the boys surrounded by the football team. Cameron was sitting on a bench and i ran over to him grabbed his arm and screamed.

"Now listen up either you leave alone or i will break your quarterback's arm and you will lose this season. now whats it gonna be" i screamed.

the whole football team looked at me and they had lucas in a choke hold nate was surrounded and Cooper was pinned on the ground. They took one look at me and left them alone.

"That's what i thought and if you ever try to walk to me like your all that if anyone tries to harm me or my loved ones i will make you pay and none of you like my dark side!now scram!" i screamed louder. 

everyone got the message and ran away once i let go of cameron. i ran over to jordan

"Oh my god are you okay?"i asked

"your such a bad ass H"she said laughing.

"Get up J"i said laughing

"Is everyone okay?"i asked

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