Violence Solves Everything(10)

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its been three months since Heather showed up. Lucas told me about some of my family. Me and Cooper are joined at the hip now. Heather comes at night like she said three months ago. Ive talked to Kate on the phone. I put it on speaker so everyone can talk to her. Shes telling me shes alright shes safe she bored but safe. She cant wait to come home. Ive been doing good in school. Im valedictorian of my year. Im going to be graduating soon. Im 18 now. I had a good birthday but it didnt seem the same since Kate couldnt be there. Its been pretty good at school. No Bullying what so ever. No trouble. I keep to myself really. Im always around Nate Lucas and ofcourse Cooper. Jordan is in all my classes so we sit with each other and walk to class together. Shes doing good in school now to. I moved into the beach house and i moved kate in to so her parents think shes living with me. I still worry about Seth coming after me and my loved ones. I know Cooper said he wont let anyone hurt me ever again but thats what scares me. What if i lose him? Hes like a part of me. It would never be the same without him in my life. Cooper stays over every weekend. Lucas is over every day checking on me. I swear hes been over protective after he found out we were cousins its getting annoying but its nice to know someone cares for me. He reminds me so much of my brother he cared and was protective of me to. Me and Jordan ride to school together every day. We go to her house to study and then i go to the beach house. Ive changed the locks so if Rylan or anyone trying to harm me comes after me while the boys or Jordan arnt here they cant get to me. They cant get in down stairs cause the windows and slide in doors are not breakable the upstairs ones are but noone can climb that high without a latter i feel safe in the beach house when im around the boys and Jordan even Coopers Gang. Ive gotten to know the gang pretty well. All of the guys are pretty cool but when it comes to a friend or family getting hurt they dont think twice about going after you. Everyone is watching out for Seth. Im not the only one thats in danger but im the main one hes after.

I jump in the shower and then get dressed. I put on my black crop top White ripped jeans my leather jacket and my black converse. I heard Jordan yelling my name. Yeah she stayed over on a school night but it was a girls night. Not even Cooper came. I brushed my hair put it in a pony tail and ran down stairs.

"Were going to be late. Lets go"Jordan said.

"Okay Okay"i said

i grabbed my bag phone and keys and locked the house i went to the garage and got in the drivers seat. Then jordan hopped in the passengers seat. i drove off and we just talked about random thing but then seth popped into my mind. I hate how he just pops into my mind at anytime.

"Honey? Did you hear me?" Jordan asked.

"What? no i didnt hear you."i said

"Your thinking of Seth again arnt you? Honey. You are protected. youll be fine"she said.

"what about everyone else? im not worried about me im worried about everyone else!" I said

as that was said we started arguing about why i was worried and soon enough we were at the school and i pulled into a space.

"Jordan lets just drop it okay?"i said.

"Okay."Jordan responded.

we got out of the car grabbed our things and headed inside.

i didnt see Cooper at first.

"Wheres Cooper?"i asked

"More importantly where are all the boys?"she asked

"Oh wow she doesnt have her body guards." Taylor said

"What do you want"i asked

"oh i just wanted to stop by say hello since your free"Taylor said.

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