Cooper Why?

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I looked up to see Ash in tears. Why would he be in tears. he never knew kate and i'm sure he's seen someone get killed before.

"Ash W-why are y-you cr-r-ying?" I asked

"Because My kitten is crying" He said

"I miss my kitten. I wanna hold her right now" He said

I started to smile and almost giggle.

"I want you right now Ash" I said crying.

"i-i(sigh)"i said

"I love you Kitten" He said and i could feel the love i could see it in his eyes that it was true. I think the sooner i admit it the sooner i'll be able to give ash my all.

I couldn't do it. I was just to scared right now

"You do?" i asked

"Yeah. More than anything."he said smiling at me with tears in his eyes.

I smiled at him but didn't say a word

Chase help me. i whispered to myself. I need to be strong he killed my best friend this has to end here. 

"Ash i traced where they are we can save them" Alan said

"We are coming Kitten."Ash said.

"Ash be careful. I can't lose you."I said

"You won't Kitten. You will never lose me"He said

Jordan was sitting right beside me. I heard the door open. This can't be happening.

"What do you want?" i snapped.

"I just wanna talk Baby"Cooper said.

"There isn't anything to talk about."I said.

"Yes there is. I need to explain."He said

"No. You cheated on me. That's plain and simple. You don't love me you never did and now you can go to hell" I snapped

I looked up for ash but he was gone everyone was. It was us three now.

"Honey i do love you just let me explain. Jordan let me explain"He said

"Okay"She said

"Fine but you got 5 minutes"i snapped

"I do love you and when i wasn't with you i wanted to die and i thought id never see you again so i distracted myself with abby. She knows and she offered to keep doing it for me to forget about you but my heart couldn't. When i saw you my heart sunk and i felt more guilty than i ever was. When you said it was over i felt empty because i cant lose you Honey. There's a reason why i fell for you."He said

I looked into his eyes. He was telling the truth. But what if he's not. He could be tricking me.

"You fell for me so you could use me."I snapped

"No honey i love you with my all. I never wanted to hurt you. I know i did and i'm so sorry. I wish it didnt happen. im so sorry" He said

"I think he's telling the truth H"Jordan said.

I looked at her and then at Cooper. Jordan is usually right about everything. I should listen to her.

"Your telling the truth aren't you?" i said

"Yes Honey. I am."He said

"I-i(sigh)"i said

He stepped closer to me and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you Honey Smith" He said as all of us smile

"Alright enough of this lovey dovey shit"Ryan said.

"Dont come near us"i snapped.

"Oh i'm not here for you im here for him since he just can't stay away from you"he snapped.

"What are you gonna do to him?" I asked

"Seth is gonna deal with him upstairs"He said and smirked.

I could see anger in his eyes. This is gonna be good.

They walked out and shut the door. I started pacing.

After about 15 minutes i spoke.

"We need to do something J. He's going to kill him i just know it."i said

"We need a plan"She said

"Ash is on his way here. If we can make it upstairs we might be able to be there when Ash gets here" i said

"How will we get out of here?"Jordan asked

"Well the only two stall bathroom is upstairs on the 3 floor. We could-

she cut me off by saying

"Pretend we need to use the bathroom and then in the elevator we kick some ass?"

"Exactly." I said as we both smiled.

We both waited for about 10 more minutes.

"Ready?" I asked Jordan

"Ready"she said

We pounded on the door for 15 minutes and a guy finally opened it.

"What do you brats want?"he said annoyed

"Excuse me sir but we both really have to use the bathroom pronto"Jordan said.

"Yeah. I'm about to pee myself."i said pretending to hold it in.

"I'd have to bring you upstairs to the third floor. That's the only two bathroom we have."he said.

"Okay. Just bring us please"I said

"I don't want to pee on the floor and you'd have to clean it up."jordan said

He paused for a second. 

"Fine. Come on. Follow me." he said

Part 1 complete. It's time for part 2 lets do this

He walked us all the way to the elevator and pushed the button. It opened and we stepped in. He push the floor 3 button and we stood waiting for the elevator to stop. I looked over at j and smiled.

"So what's your name?"i asked him

"It's Ben" He said.

"Well Ben I am sorry"i said

"Why are you sorry" he asked confused.

I paused.

I looked over at jordan and she nodded.

"For what?" He repeated.

"For this"i said

I hit his side punched his jaw kicked him in the bad area(you know) he fell to the ground and i kicked him in the face. He was out cold.

"Part 2 complete. Stop the elevator."i said

Jordan stopped the elevator and then looked at me.

"Give me a boost up."i said

She put her hands out to help me up but we failed we kept trying over and over and over again. We still didn't succeed. We took a break to catch our breath and think. We should think of how we can get up to the 5th floor.We thinked and then i thought of something after about 5 minutes. He's bound to wake up soon. we need to get out of here.......

                                                             But How?

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