Today Was Crazy(9)

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"What do you mean your not kate?"i asked

"I mean exactly what i said."she said.

i saw her take off a mask.

"who are you and what have you done with Kate?"

"Calm down Honey.Shes still alive. I am heather. I was friends with your brother when he was in high school. we dated and we broke up. so i joined with... basically i work with the guy that is coming after you. Once i found out it was you he was after i knew i had to do this for your brother although me and him stopped being friends i still gotta make sure his sister is alive and well. I took Kate to a safe location where no one will take her.or find her. I wont hurt her. Im doing this for chase. you throw a nasty fight nice.

"If i knew this i wouldnt of hit you so hard."

"You do have your fathers confidence and strenghth. your mothers eyes and skin you even act bad ass smart ass and sassy like she does. Seth doesnt hold back okay thats why i said you wont make this out alive cause going in alone is a suicide mission.

"I wouldnt be alone.Id have my actually family with me but tell me about my real parents. what was my dad like?

"your dads name is Jacob. He died at 35. Your mother was pregnant with you when he died. He was a nice non judgementle person hed protect the ones he loved even if it meant his had to end. Your brother doesnt remember what happened with your real parents because i gave him something to make him forget. your dad was a wizard when it came to techno;ogy thats where you got your smarts He could also throw a nasty fight especially with his fists. your mother is a very beautiful nice talented woman. she was the best dancer at her school which is where you get your dancing skills from. She had many boyfriends in her past one stood out Mark he abused her until another came along your dad helped her get confidence be fearless he made her better

"Sounds like you and Cooper Honey!"Jordan said.

"Shut up continue please"

Cooper wrapped his hands around my waist and heather continued to speak.

you and your brother have many things in common thats why your bond is so strong. Ive watched you all these years. Your strong. You dont go down without a fight. You get straight As in school you get bullied but once Cooper came along the bullying stopped cause he always protects you cause he really does love you. Chase would liike him. You have a great heart which is what made me fully introduce myself and tell you about your brother and parents. Your last name isnt smith. its adams.

"Wait like Lucas Adams?Cooper asked

"yes hes your cousin.heather said

"what?" me and lucas said at the same time

"Yes you guys are related she said

"wait is i dont have any family that i know of whos my aunt and uncle?i asked

"Lucas parents Lura and Kem Adams"heather said

"Wow this is crazy"Lucas said

"Your telling me"i said

"they know about your father and mother i filled them in before i started to fully watch you they said they wouldnt tell a soul not even their own child."heather said.

"So if they are after my family that means Lucas to?"i asked

"yes but mainly you Honey"Heather said.

"What about Cooper family will they be safe?"i asked worried.

"dont worry he wont get to them i wont let either of your family get hurt i promise you that."heather stated

"okay"i said.

"I cant show you where kate is until this is over."she said

"Your seriously not gonna let me see my best friend?"i asked

"No im not. Itll put you and her in danger i cant let that happen but you can call her heres the number you can call her at at any time you and Lucas can."

i laughed at that.

"Why are you helping if seth with hurt us."

"because of your brother. He wouldnt want you to be hurt or die so soon like he did. What he told you before he died thats when he started to remember. He was warning you. not just about anyone about seth. hee would kill anyone in cold blood for no reason hes not one to be messed with cooper would know

i turned to cooper

"Shes right. Ive kept him in my past but hes apart of my past. i used to work for him. He made me grab people at first but then it went to him wanting me to kill someone for him. i didnt want to but i had no choice this man was named henry he was 28 he stole from seth seth made me shoot him and that ruined me i still feel really bad and it haunts me every night from there on i stopped working for him he came after me and shot me i almost died but i didnt i survived seth knows and its only time that will tell when he comes to finish the job. Baby please dont look at me differently i would never hurt you."he told me

i looked him in the eyes

"Baby i would never look at you differently i know youd never hurt me thank you for telling me"i said 

i then kissed him and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Okay ill be visiting every night when its dark enough that he wont know i came cause im sure pretty soon hell find out where i go so ill be watching over you. see ya."heather said

she drove out of the parking lot and thats when we all went inside.

i sat on the couch with cooper beside me holding me. Jordan was on the other side of me. Lucas was in the chair across from the couch. Nate and everyone else was somewhere else.

"So should i call you little cuz"Lucas asked

"Im not much younger than you" i said

"yeah but you are shorter"he teased

i threw a pillow at him and told him to shut up before i punch him. That made him hush up.

"That was so much to take in."i said

"Are you okay?"jordan asked.

"Yeah. i actually have a family ive never met before. i have a mom. i had a dad. seth may be coming after me but the brightside is that i actually have a family. All my life ive felt alone no matter who was around me. i always felt like a disappointment. no matter what i did it never was good enough. I am just so relieved that i have a family and ive known one family member and didnt know it."i said smiling.

"I can tell you about the family i actully talk to alot later if you want"Lucas offered.

"Yeah later. I just want some sleep."i said

"Okay. Lets go"Cooper said.

he picked me up bridal style and i couldnt help but laugh. he brought me into my room and tucked me in he was about to leave but i stopped him.

"Cooper Wait"i said

"what"he asked

"Stay with me?"i asked

with that he came towards the bed and got under the covers and held me tight.

Today was so crazy.

 I go to Chases grave. 

I find out who killed my brother.

 i find out i have family i don't know.

i find out Lucas is my cousin.

i find out the same person who killed my brother also killed my dad. I find out my mom is still alive but Seth has her.

 All in one day.

                                                    Like I Said, Today Was Crazy.

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