Stay Strong(6)

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1 week later

i woke up on the floor with blood on me. they've been torturing us all week. I felt a buzz in the back of my pants. My phone has been here all along? I could of called Cooper this whole time? im so stupid. I know cameras are on us so i lay on my side so they cant see what im doing and cant hear what im saying.i shake kate and jordan and they wake up. 

"Honey you okay?"jordan said

"Yeah he tourtured you the most"kate said

"ill live but i found my phone and im calling cooper just shh and lay how near me.

"Okay"they both said.

 I called Cooper first. It rung once and then he answered.

"Hello?Honey?"Cooper answered

"Cooper"i said softly

"Are you guys alright? were still looking for you."he said concerned 

"No.were not. they. theyve been hurting us.mostly me."

"How?"he asked


"HOW!"he yelled

"Cooper"i said afraid

"Sorry. please just tell me."he said

"Theyve been cutting me and punching the girls."


"their stomach. their face. their ribs. they cut my cheek and across my stomch"

"Do you have any idea where you guys are?"

"weve been stuck in this dark room for most of the week. I miss you so much. we just wanna get out of here."

"Cooper please help us"kate said crying

"Im so scared"Jordan admitted.

"were gonna get you out. Do you have a tracker in your phone Honey?"he asked

"Yeah. Jordan put it in so if i lost it i could find it better. you can look on my laptop itll show it. its in my bag"

"Hold on to that phone with your life. We are going to get you tonight. I will get you all to safty."

"Are you actually in a gang?"

"Yes. Im the leader. the boys are in it also.

"Nate is?"

"Lucas is?"

"yes. ill explain everything once i get all of you out of there."

"Okay."i said

"Honey.I have to tell you something."Cooper admitted.

"Someones coming"Jordan said

"Honey!"Cooper yelled

"Cooper we have to go. i wont hang up just no noise."i said

"Okay"he said


"Wake up!"rick yelled.

"Okay were up"jordan said

"Get the other two an put them in seperate rooms"rick ordered.

"Hello Honey"rick said

"Hi"i said

"Have a nice sleep?"he asked

"yeah a little hard when i have slept on the ground for a week" i said

"Now were gonna try this again but i wont hang you up. Dont make me regret it."

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