Choices Part 2

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I heard someone shuffle to the door and open it. He looked shocked to see me right now.

"H-h-honey?" he stuttered.

"Yeah. its me" i snapped. "Can you give us a minute" i asked the guy as he nodded and shut the door.

"W-what are you doing here?" he asked

I was walking around the room.

"Where is she?" i asked

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"Ya know one of your hoes you been sleeping with since you came here." i snapped

"Listen Baby i-

"Stop. You dont get to call me baby. Youve been cheating on me ever since and i was the one that risked my life to save your ass and this is how you repay me?" i asked.

He went quiet.

"Your feelings were fake for me. You never loved me. I dont know why you wanted to use me. I was stupid to think you would actually care about me. You were probably working for seth this whole time."i said 

"Im not working for him"Cooper snapped

" Why arnt you tied up then? Cause everyone else was. " i screamed.


"What was that?" i asked

"Nothing."he said alittle to quick

I looked at him waiting for the bitch to come out and sure enough she came out of the bathroom.

"Oh. Babe. Whos this?" the girl asked

She was about my hight blue eyes long red hair she was dark skinned.

"Who are you?" i snapped

"Im abby Coopers girlfriend" she said innocently

"Girlfriend? How long?"i asked

"About 2 months" She said.

"2 months? Is that right Cooper?" I looked at him mad.

"Y-yes" He stuttered again

I was pissed. I couldnt stop myself. I didnt realize what i did until i had already done it. I kneed him in the stomach punched his jaw and punched his chest till i heard a crack.

"Oh my- you know what have a nice life Cooper"i said and then opened the door

"Lets go" i said madder than ever 

He brought me back to the room and i walked in and jordan and kate both ran to me.

"What happened?" Jordan asked

"I caught him. I caught him" i said as i walked into the room more

"Caught him doing what?"kate asked

"I caught him with her!" i raised my voice

"Who was she?" Kate asked

"Her names abby. She has blue eyes, Long red hair, shes dark skinned, she my height. If you saw her youd realize how much prettier she is then me."i said sad

"There is no way any girl could be prettier than you H" Jordan said

"Thanks but i cant focus on him. Im saving you guys right now.

"I love you Honey" Kate said

"I also love you h"jordan said

"I love you guys to" i said

Someone came in the room. It was Seth.

"Aw. isnt this nice. Best friends saying i love yous. I heard you went to see Cooper, thats a shame that you had to see that."He said

"What do you want?" i snapped

I turned to see everyone, Lucas, Ash, The gang, Ashes gang, Nate was there now. I swear are they gonna find someone else that knows me and tell them whats happening?

"Its time for you to choose."he snapped

"Im not going to choose"i snapped

"Honey, im trying to make this easier for all of us. Dont make it hard" He said calmly

"Its easy for you hard for me which is why im not going to choose between them." I said

"Your making a mistake now choose now!" he yelled

"NO!" i yelled back

He came up to me and slapped me and kicked me in the stomach. I saw blood drip from my face

"Choose Honey!" He yelled

"NO! I will never choose" i yelled

Its time for me to be the strong one. All the anger i have inside me all im feeling needs to come out now.

"If you dont choose ill kill both of them" he snapped as he pulled a gun out.

My eyes widened once he said that. I could be risking two lives right now. If he wants me to chose then it wont be them. I chose me.

"No! dont you dare hurt them!" i said

" What is a pretty little thing like you gonna do?" he asked laughing

"Lets fight"i said

"Honey i have the gun youll die" He said 

" Better me then them" i said

i automatically heard Nos from everyone except Seth and i

" The time for that will come soon enough but you will chose or ill kill the one i want dead the most." he said

"No!" i said

"Dont hurt her" Kate screamed

The next thing i knew Kate was on the ground dead

I fell to the ground crying. Jordan ran over to me. I was shaking. I had so many emotions that i was feeling it wasnt even funny. I didnt wanna feel anymore. I saw her dead body on the ground still.

"Its a shame it had to happen this way honey" Seth said before walking out of the room.

"Is she okay?" Lucas asked. I knew without having to look up that Lucas was in tears. He secretly loved Kate. He never told her but i could tell. 

"I-i hate h-h-him" i choked.

"Shh. Honey. Shh"Jordan said holding me.

I looked up to see Ash in tears. Why would he be in tears. he never knew kate and im sure hes seen someone get killed before.

"Ash W-why are y-you cr-r-ying?" I asked

"Because My kitten is crying" He said

"I miss my kitten. I wanna hold her right now" He said

I started to smile and almost giggle.

"I want you right now Ash" I said crying.

"i-i(sigh)"i said

"I love you Kitten" He said and i could feel the love i could see it in his eyes that it was true. I think the sooner i admit it the sooner ill be able to give ash my all.

I couldnt do it. I was just to scared right now

"You do?" i asked

"Yeah. More than anything."he said smiling at me with tears in his eyes.

I smiled at him but didnt say a word

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