Choices Part 1

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I was there tied up feeling weak. I need to pull myself together and be strong like dad, mom, and chase would want. Im not gonna die without a fight. Im not gonna die period. No one else will die. I wont let this be the end.


I heard the door open. Ash, bruce, and the rest of the gang were watching.....even lucas? How did he? They must have tracked him down so hed know what was happening.

"Hello princess"Ryan said.

"Hey Dickwad"i said smiling.

"Dont call me that"he snapped

"Why? You get to give me a nickname why cant i give you one?"i asked

"Because you cant now shut the fuck up"he said

I saw everyone trying not to laugh

"Seth told me to come in here and make sure you werent having eye sex with ash"he said smirking

"What the hell is wrong with you?"i asked

"Princess i brought you a present"he said

"I dont want a present from you."i snapped

Some guy came and untied me but made sure i couldnt run. Another one brought.....Kate....

"Kate! What are you going to do?"i asked

"Its not what im gonna do its what your gonna do."he said

"What are you talking about?" i asked

Seth walked in with  Jordan.

"Ill tell you what your going to do. You chose one and kill the other"seth said

"What? Your asking for me to kill my own family? Are you insane?"i said

"Honey its simple pick and kill" he snapped

I walked in front of them and looked at them both. Seth handed me a knife. I cant do this i thought to myself

I started to cry. I couldnt chose between both my sisters. There wasnt anything i can do.

"I-i cant"i choked.

"What was that princess?"ryan asked

"I said i cant do it dickwad"i snapped

Seth looked amused. I was crying but couldnt help but to chuckle alittle.

Ryan came up to me and slapped me so i did by reflex hit him in the jaw and he jerked back.

I rubbed my cheek and got a better grip on the knife

"Honey, we can stand here all day but you are going to chose. Ill leave you three in here ill come back in 6 hours and one of you better be dead." Seth snapped.

Everyone walked out. Ryan looked at me before walking out and i just smiled at him. he walked out and i ran to jordan and kate.

"Oh my god are you guys okay" I asked quickly

"Were beaten up pretty bad"Kate said

"And it hurts when i walk to fast"Jordan said.

"Are you guys alright?" Bruce said

"For now we are bruce"i said

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