Do I Have A Way Out?

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I plopped on the bed and heard something fall. I got up to find out what it was.

It was dark but i saw it.

It was......

It was a phone. How did a phone get in here? Well, I have a chance at calling Ash. I have to hear his voice. I just have to.

I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear. It rang three times and then Ash answered.





Where are you? How are you calling me?

I found a phone. I don't know where i am but Ash?

Yes? What is it?

I Met my mom. He killed her.

I'm sorry Kitten

I miss you. I Just want out of here. Hes forcing me to watch them hurt my family.

Thats messed up.

Yeah.Hold on someones coming.


"Hello Honey"Seth said.

"Hi."i said

"Did you miss me?"he asked

"Hmm Let me think, No"I said

"Attitude? I like it. Your very brave. You truly are. Have you been watching tv?"He asked smirking

"Nope."i said

"Well, i think you should see this. Im sure youll be interested."he said

"Whatever you have to show me i'm not interested." I snapped.

"Its of Cooper. Let me show you." he said as he walked over to the tv and slid a disc in.

He pushed play. It really was of Cooper. Who is that blonde? He brought her into this room and and he was..... oh my god.

"You see Cooper doesn't care about you anymore. This proves it. Continue watching.

I looked back at the tv. It was definitely him.....Cheating......With a blonde......I thought he loved me. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Stop the tape. Please" I said. My voice cracked. 

"As you wish." He said

"I I I" i said

"You what?" he asked

 i wiped away the tears. I knocked myself into shape and i stood up confidently.

"When are we going to fulfill the deal?"i asked

"Oh honey sweet sweet honey. In do time we shall fight but for now you shall stay in here" He said as he walked out the door.

I sat there crying. Why am i crying over some stupid boy? Maybe because i love him. I hate him. I'm not here for him no more. I will chose between them. Ill chose Ash.

Kitten? Everything alright?

I'm fine i snapped

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